My mom bought me an XBox 360 and I get it tommorow!! Which is perfect because I get PAID tommorow! Im gonna buy Halo2, Counter-Strike, Oblivion and umm anything else I see thats good. Oh! Star Wars Knights of the old Republic! Omg I cant freaking wait! Holydoomknight picked me up for lunch awhile ago and we walked down to wal-mart for mcdonalds. All the copies of Guild Wars Factions are gone so Im gonna have to wait another week or so when they restock. A bug flew up my nose on the way back. HDKs laughter still rings in my ears. That meany. I will have the laughter when I slaughter him in Gunz! After all you can't spell slaughter without laughter. Todays been pretty good so far.....

Tonight I have to work though, with my Ex-Girlfriend. God that hurts. I cant even look at her anymore, and that perfume she always wears.... Dammit. Thankfully I might be upstairs doing Projection (I work at a theatre) so you tards better leave your laser pointers at home. I WILL find you! Have a nice day everyone!

P.S.: If anyone wants to be really nice could you perhaps gimmie an idea of some good games I should pick up for the XBox? I didnt have an XBox before so Im looking at those games aswell, not just 360.
Ghost Recon
Need for speed
Burnout: Revenge.
You are nothing without Fable.
Heh Fables pretty good, But my sister aleady has it. Ghost Recon.... I'll have to pick that one up!
You like to rant, don't you?
I do. Rants are hilariously fun. Assuming you keep it within civil bounds. If your going to say something sucks, say why. Flys up your nose suck because its awkward and then you sneeze 50 times to get it out.
You sound like a pre-teen or a young teen, stop acting like that love was your first and best. god.

Anyways good games:

Odd World: Strangers Wrath
Knights of the Old Republic 1 & 2
Half Life 2
Doom 3
BurnOut (Any for Xbox is pretty good)
Guilty Gear X
Marvel VS Capcom 2
Battlefield 2: Modern Combat.

You can get either the X-Box or the 360 Versions.

I liked the X-Box version but I never played the 360 version so I don't know whats different if any.
Dragonball zee
HL2 for xbox = suk.

Xbox doesn't meet the minimal requirements of HL2... VALVe had to scale down the graphics and the physics.

Even worse, there's been a lot of problems reported about problems with the Xbox 360 and HL2's physics.
Umm Shades, I'm turning 17 in August. I went with her for 9 monthes. She dumped me because I was having a bad week and her mom said I was unstable because of THAT. Thanks. Jk! I'm not really a fan of that emo crap. And btw, if you thought I was young listen to HDK talk. Its like being in kindergarten again.
dixon you sould get call of duty 2 its SWEET i just played the deom and i think it of so great!
Good for you, now that it's been a few months, add me or something >.>