(See the best response by Stephen001.)
Problem description: Is there away to turn off the check while looking in to fexists?

Extra description:
I Am making a new saving and loading system for the game i am working on.
It requires me to look in fexists a few times and each time it looks it asks for access to the file.

here is the question: Is there a way to avoid asking for access?.

//the basic of what i am working with

thanks up front.

Best response
Yep. You can either:

1. Rename the folder your DMB is in, to the same name as the DMB. This will start the world in safe mode (as opposed to ultra-safe, where it asks you to confirm files accesses)
2. Load up DreamDaemon, and host your DMB in that, picking safe mode security.
Wow kinda strange to only rename the Dir to same as the dmb and its trusted (it did work so thanks)

is this done for the zip converter? so problems like i had will be automatically fixed?
or is there a real logic behind it for better use?

It's basically just the assumption that when you make a new project in Dream Maker, it creates the project folder with the DME file's name. So if that's changed, perhaps the DMB file you're running is not the one you think it is, so it should be careful.
okay well many thanks for the info, Now i can finally finish up ^^ and make it go a little better