proc name: SaveChar (/mob/proc/SaveChar)
usr: the gr3 (/mob)
src: the gr3 (/mob)
call stack:
the gr3 (/mob): SaveChar()
the gr3 (/mob): Save()
the gr3 (/mob): SaveChar()
the gr3 (/mob): Save()
var/savefile/F = new("players/[src.ckey].sav")
F["name"] << name
F["X"] << usr.x
F["Y"] << usr.y
F["Z"] << usr.z
F["Mob"] << .client.mob
F["Rank"]<< usr.rank
F["Level"]<< usr.level
F["RP Points"]<< usr.rp
F["Shunpo"]<< usr.shunpo
F["Agility"]<< usr.agility
F["Reaction Speed"]<< usr.reaction
F["Sword Spirit Power"]<< usr.swpower
F["Sword Speed"]<< usr.swspeed
F["Hand-to-Hand Combat"]<< usr.handtohand
F["Spirit Power"]<< usr.sppower
F["Swordsmanship"]<< usr.swordsmanship
F["Experience"]<< usr.exp
F["Max Experience"]<< usr.mexp
usr << "Your character has been saved."
Code:This is the load file and this is what comes up when I click load on my login screen: runtime error: bad savefile or list
proc name: Click (/turf/Login/LoadChar/Click)
usr: Ersdfghj (/mob)
src: LoadChar (1,7,4) (/turf/Login/LoadChar)
call stack:
LoadChar (1,7,4) (/turf/Login/LoadChar): Click(LoadChar (1,7,4) (/turf/Login/LoadChar), "default.map1", "icon-x=24;icon-y=12;left=1;scr...")
LoadChar (1,7,4) (/turf/Login/LoadChar): Click(LoadChar (1,7,4) (/turf/Login/LoadChar), "default.map1", "icon-x=24;icon-y=12;left=1;scr...")
runtime error: bad savefile or list
proc name: Click (/turf/Login/LoadChar/Click)
usr: Ersdfghj (/mob)
src: LoadChar (1,7,4) (/turf/Login/LoadChar)
call stack:
LoadChar (1,7,4) (/turf/Login/LoadChar): Click(LoadChar (1,7,4) (/turf/Login/LoadChar), "default.map1", "icon-x=24;icon-y=12;left=1;scr...")
layer = 4
layer = 6
mouse_opacity = 2
density = 1
var/savefile/F = new("players/[usr.ckey].sav")
var/mob/newmob = new()
F["name"] >>
F["X"] >> usr.x
F["Y"] >> usr.y
F["Z"] >> usr.z
F["Mob"] >> newmob
F["Rank"] >> usr.rank
F["Level"] >> usr.level
F["RP Points"] >> usr.rp
F["Shunpo"] >> usr.shunpo
F["Agility"] >> usr.agility
F["Reaction Speed"] >> usr.reaction
F["Sword Spirit Power"] >> usr.swpower
F["Sword Speed"] >> usr.swspeed
F["Hand-to-Hand Combat"] >> usr.handtohand
F["Spirit Power"] >> usr.sppower
F["Swordsmanship"] >> usr.swordsmanship
F["Experience"] >> usr.exp
F["Max Experience"] >> usr.mexp
newmob.loc = locate(X,Y,Z)
newmob.client = usr.client usr.client
Problem description:Also when I try to load and then get that runtime error I will randomly push the arrow keys and the screen will be moving around like it would if you have a icon moving around in a game, while this is happening the log in screen is still up. When I compile it has no issues so it isn't that.