Jun 23 2013, 12:05 pm
Is anyone talking to forum_account? If not, does anyone have a way to contact him outside of BYOND?
Jun 23 2013, 7:06 pm
Forum_account said he had a job with the government didn't he? You could possibly reach him by calling the CIA.
Talk to Teka about it. Last person I heard who had even spoken to him was Teka.
In response to EmpirezTeam
Yeh, they hired him to integrate pixel movement into their systems.
Aw man they took away our best library programmer yet! :(
He never got around to implementing moving directional lighting in the lighting library that he released. I can modify the library just enough so there is a possibility of a directional light on a mob, but not to move with it. |
In response to Rushnut
Rushnut wrote:
No he pretty clearly added directional lighting in one of the demos. You 'pretty clearly' cannot read. I said MOVING, directional lighting. Read and Think before posting. @arrogant post below ~ Is school out for summer or something? Why do the children have to be online instead of outside. I'm a jack of all trades, I should have to take someones library and fix it for them. Either way he never explained how to get it working, no one has and the way you explained probably wouldn't work with all the other systems in a game itself (which is the key). It might work with the library by itself but it probably won't work in a project, go back to your angry birds and social networking and stop provoking people into forum wars (which is why this community is looked down upon in the first place). |
In response to AERProductions
You 'pretty clearly' cannot program then, since taking what he did, moving it and then calling lum() again does exactly what he asked.
Think and think before potato :^). |