
by Acebloke
[AMT] Join the war or build a city
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Status: Open

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you could add an copy and paste function to the game so its easy to remake an area what you just want to copy
This is actually a nice idea, I'll see what I can do.
thanks mate it takes an age to make the same thing over and over agian to gain th most out of your farms and towns and that so i thought it will save people time and not get bored of doing the same thing
I assume you know about two click though? Its next to terraform and cancel in the building menu. If you click that, then click twice on the map it will make a 'box' and fill that area. It works for demolish, terraform, land and sea as well.
yer i know about that i use it a lot but i always make the farms and towns the same so it would be a lot easier if there was a copy and past function to use