And edits :D


Then this was from facebook, chatting with a manga artist.. He gave me the permission to edit..

My current life has now started out with Photoshopping modelling photos for my uncle in Florida. But on the other side, I am still doing the games and trying to make a slight living with my professions/hobbies. Though, I am not quite there yet. Still thinking up my plans to go back to college (Again) to become better.
I can see your years of photoshopping experience and your college education have yet to kick in. Or, you're just not showing us your aesthetically pleasing work.
In response to EnigmaticGallivanter
EnigmaticGallivanter wrote:
I can see your years of photoshopping experience and your college education have yet to kick in. Or, you're just not showing us your aesthetically pleasing work.

Ignore him.
I guess the main thing that I have to say is why did you put a drop shadow inside her skin? Especially noticeable around the hands.
In response to Makeii
Makeii wrote:
Ignore him.

I know I say this a lot now, but give me awhile, and I will put a more detailed explanation of what I am trying to get at.

Right now I am using my "creeper skills" to judge some of her other graphic work so I can make my points.

OKAY. Let's start with a questionnaire.

  1. You have about ~11 years with Photoshop, in this time have did you learn to use it through course material / books / tutorials by respected software users, or was this 11 years of dicking around?
  2. Is your major declared in graphic design, multimedia design, or other? If other, do tell.
  3. Let's say I am offering jobs to prospective graphic / multimedia designers. How would you describe your experience and comfort with this field?
  4. Excuse me English, but can you into InDesign, FireWorks, and Illustrator? Bonus points for After Effects and Premier Pro.
  5. I have read of, and seen your ad you created for your uncle. Was he pleased, was the community pleased (if used), and were you pleased?
  6. What did you like about the ad?
  7. How did "Go Green" go over with their branding and such that I assume you did?

I ask these questions because I am concerned that people who use Photoshop for 11 years and download fonts will call themselves graphic designers. Their work usually entails a lack of spacing, grid & font management, color palettes, and the whole bag of fun included in design. I ask because I want to know with this 11 years of PS what have you really done with it. What is the full story boo.

From what I gather, the story is you color over animu and add weird shadows. Sometimes you "clean up" manga scans. Which are pretty fine until you get anal about the small details and gaps that were created. Other times you make ads that would have a real hard time being printed and read.

I would like to get a few answers, then I can post my run down of pieces of your art. What I think looks fine, what could use some boosts.

Much to Makeii's inner desire, I will actually go over everything I can to explain to you why I am so confused.

Boo, I will find you books.
I also started doing Annie but I suck at coloring in the first place and i tried to do this entirely with the brush and stuff. I got bored and stopped lol

Albro i like how your arts turning out xD looks nice. Next, tbh Sayao it doesn't look all the greats..x_x at times like these i actually say go look up tuts.
dont listen to them saya its the most gorgeous photoshop job ever

ok i cant lie to you anymore, this is awful but you'll always be my little poo bear <3 xoxo
I showed the ones that I did, but I have more. Just in different styles. Didn't feel like cluttering the blog with too many pictures last night. I do mostly photography work than just graphic designing. I was in college already for 4 years for IT and programming.

I meant to describe that I have yet to return to college, so I can learn more than just the things that I have already achieved through-out the years. The drop shadow was some kind of old myspace trick that photoshop editors who did anime pictures did back in the days.

For the quote, "Becoming better" I've decided to follow my grandfather who has over 4 certificates in Photography. So I may take that, while still studying Graphic Arts. Then hoping to hop off to a better job in the industries.
The shadowing is just around the sides.. But sorry if you do not like the style. Many other people have this kind of different tastes of looks and style when it comes to editing. I usually do brush art with Photoshop at times when I doodle on Paint as well.
In response to Albro1
Al, you are incredibly talented. So keep doing great! It took me a while to think from my mind on how Annie was drawn. Lol. But the work you've done is good!
In response to Sayaotonashis
YOU took IT and programming classes on a college-level? I'm sorry, I didn't want to post because I knew I'd only be mean, but REALLY?
Yes. I did. It was more of a programming school, than a college. But I learned a lot of other things in between going to my graphic arts.. CC here where I live. It's in the Arts.
ive seen enough tentacle anime to know where that last drawing is going.
This is the kind of stuff that keeps ITT Technical Institute a joke of colleges... Kind of like DeVry.
In response to EnigmaticGallivanter
EnigmaticGallivanter wrote:
This is the kind of stuff that keeps ITT Technical Institute a joke of colleges... Kind of like DeVry.

Yep, in 11th grade my AP English teacher taught me all about good ol' ITT Tech. My Mom's co-worker has a son that graduated from ITT Tech. He's currently bagging groceries at Harris and Teeter. Nuff said.
I don't think it's anyone's right to negatively scrutinize one's work. This can have lasting psychological effects on the person producing the work. It's not professional, and definitely not respectable. I apologize for the bullshit people here have given you on your first few days of being in BYOND.
In response to Makeii
Yes, because all work done by everyone is good. Some times you just have to let people know they're bad.

This isn't nearly her first day on BYOND, either. Might want to check the join date.
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