There are some things in this reality or perhaps others which such a fragile vessel as the human mind simply cannot comprehend. A clutch of sensations bundled together outside of our simple portholes of sensation that constantly nag away at our peripheral vision and gnaw away at the senses, the faintest tendrils of horror playing at the slender strings of our nervous system.
To perceive these things straight on is to experience instantaneous and total brain-death, a holocaust of neurones and various other organic paraphernalia as the very essence of the viewer is stripped from its fleshy host in a fiery maelstrom of mental energy, the smell is most unappealing.
One would think these unspeakable things would not occur to mankind nor be named by it but these dark sensations burrow feverishly into the world of man with an unbridled hatred for life and work to undermine all of humankind and to ultimately bask in the wreck and ruin brought about by our eventual extinction, these things have names and they are human names.
They are attracted to our sleeping minds like moths to a flame and it is here, as they flutter a ceaseless dance around the unsuspecting mortal that their evil takes hold, permeating the sleeper’s dreams, teaching it the rites to summon a fragment of the horror’s essence and how to use it. They target the feeble of mind and the disturbed, the degenerate and the ruffian for their minds are easier to subvert and their dreams a trifle to bend.
The next stage in the infection is the actual summoning; it is a certifiable fingerprint of the beast responsible within the nuances and motions involved in this dark event but the end result is the same, always the same. A tiny crack is forged to places far across the cosmic landscape, a tap to a far off court within a deep chamber of the endless halls of which I cannot bring myself to write. Upon seeing what writhes and ebbs from this crack the would-be summoner perceives a controlled jolt of unspeakable madness; he becomes impregnated with a psychic phage which courses through the fragile web of thoughts, emotions and sensations bubbling and putrefying all as it rushes from the optical nerves, through the brain and out into the body into a miasma completely in the control of the dark puppeteer. All promises of power and wealth shattered as what was once a man is quickly erased and replaced with something far more sinister.
A firm foothold now in place the evil now sets about recruiting more and more of the homeless, the forgotten and the disposable into the ranks of the cult founded by the husk of the original summoner at this point more identifying features to the nature of the dark being are evident, each choosing different methods to increase their psychic presence on the world, some crawl up from the dirt into society and work to topple and indoctrinate the wealthy and influential, others remain in the slime and slowly crawl throughout the gutters like a human mycosis, all are silent in their methods.
Who knows how many of these clans, cults and lodges lie embedded in society across the globe today? Seething and oozing in the dark, clustered around a focus of unimaginable horror and hate. Waiting and watching.
Who knowes. Ah ah.
May 27 2006, 3:10 pm
I must learn to use my grand vocabulary more often...