Naruto, Call Of Shinobi: Anbu Blackops

by Zerok Kaiba
Naruto, Call Of Shinobi: Anbu Blackops
War is a-foot! Heroes, Villains, Akatsuki. Choose your side in this new original Naruto Sidescroller!
Host : Utakata94

Banned reason : Used hidden mist as Zabuza on Forest of death causeing host to fall off edge.

would of provided screen shot but not sure which f key does that tryied 1-3 didnt work and cant do the manual thing bc games made not to show the options thing
Google how to printscreen. On min eits Windows key + Prtsc button. On a traditional desktop keyboard, yu sould have abutton that says PrtScr or something similar on it. -Best info. -Best way to use Print Screen.
I got booted from Tantric1 server because i used mass revive by mistake in FFA, they didnt even give me a chance to explain myself.
You're allowed to mass revive. I believe so.
Im still banned from the server......
Cant just use snipping tool. .-.
Ive been banned from clairy server for asking if hes dumb. i would like know if this was a justified ban -_-. and i would like to know how i can host a server as well
Lol, There's much, Much more to that. And btw, She*