The New Pager lags anytime I have to check messages or switch over to new tabs and it stops responding from time to time. Is there a way to download the older pager?
I haven't had any trouble with the new pager. You may have corrupted files. To fix this, I suggest cleaning your cache if not all BYOND files and reinstalling. The default directory for windows users is (default drive) > users > (username) > My Documents > BYOND

If it doesn't work or you'd rather download an older version of BYOND, here's a link:

Hope I helped.
494 is much too old, but I would strongly suggest against downgrading anyway. (If one must, 498 is the better choice.)

Critical172, can you provide any details on your system? I wonder if you have an old machine that's simply having trouble running the code. There may be a brief pause while it loads a tab due to the need to grab data and format it, but generally this isn't noticeable.
thanx, my cache was pretty full