(See the best response by NNAAAAHH.)
var/text = input("Input a message to the World", "World Chat") as text
src << "Please Stop Spamming"
OOC ++
spawn(30)OOC -=5
if(length(text) <= 1) return
if(length(text) >= 60) return
world <<"<font color = #0000FF size = 2>[name]:</font><font color = #C8B560 family = monospace size = 2>[text]</font>"

Problem description:Whenever you call the verb to use OOC, it works perfectly fine. Only when you procede with typing and pressing enter, the focus doesn't return to the game.

Best response
You should be able to manually set the focus, unless I am totally confused on that part of the skin reference. Or I could just be tired and you shouldn't listen to me.

If I'm right, you might want to save what control has focus then reset it to that after the inputs, don't think that'd work with basic 'click to use' verbs in a info tab, since the focus would then be changed to the info control when the verb is clicked, I think. Who knows though? I'm too tired to say who, that's who.

focus - True if this control has focus; set to true to give it focus.

winget(player, null, "focus") will return the ID of the control, if any, that currently has keyboard focus.

You can make a variable with winget() as shown above at the start of the verb to save the focus of the player, then use winset on that control to give it control at the end of the verb.