In response to Oondivinezin
Oondivinezin wrote:
I'll just leave this here.

One character for one of three good announced games, a deal breaker makes, does not.

PS4 has far too many good games, the hardware is solid and it has shit loads of third party support, the Wii U has none of these things.

Yes I love me some Smash Bros, but I'm not buying a Wii U just for MEGADAEGADAEGA MAAAAAN
Oh I was thoroughly pleased with Sony's PS4 announcement last night. It actually swayed me into wanting to purchase a PS4.
The PS4 is very tempting. I'd definitely buy a Wii U just for the Nintendo exclusives and for Monolith Soft's X game. If it's anything like Xenogears or Xenoblade Chronicles, it's an immediate win. I don't like first-person shooters or sports games much, so many of the titles on the PS4 and XBone don't appeal to me. There are many that do though; Sony had a surprising amount of variety.
In response to Fugsnarf
x_x just Saw Monolith Soft. Lol It's different from how it was shown awhile back xD. Played Xenoblade Chronicle and still love it a lots. :3 But like you said If Monolith Soft is going to be as good as Xenoblade then the Wii U is a must get Lools.

EDIT: damn x_x Xbox needs to do something :/ i hate seeing these massive pwnage on the Systems.
I'll be ditching both and upgrading my desktop.
"The humiliation was so big, that if you go buy an Xbox One... Then you're just a loser." - Athene 2013.
EmpirezTeam wrote:
Danny Roe wrote:
I'll be ditching both and upgrading my desktop.

Hi5. Except I started this after the PS2 era since I didn't see any huge reasons to get a ps3/wii/360 either.
I'm a PC mustard race neckbeard too but, you just can't build a gaming PC as good as the PS4 for $399, plus Quantic Dream are my fetish so I cannot resist.
Off topic:

hie ET =3
In response to Rushnut
Rushnut wrote: just can't build a gaming PC as good as the PS4 for $399...

Yes you can.
In response to Vrocaan
Vrocaan wrote:
Rushnut wrote: just can't build a gaming PC as good as the PS4 for $399...

Yes you can.

No, you can't.
What's all this talk about power anyway? Nowadays people are all about specs, and cinematics, and polygon counts. Whatever happened to judging games and consoles by HOW FUN THEY ARE?
In response to EmpirezTeam
EmpirezTeam wrote:
What's all this talk about power anyway? Nowadays people are all about specs, and cinematics, and polygon counts. Whatever happened to judging games and consoles by HOW FUN THEY ARE?

Because I'm not a man child, I can observe and accept the fact that I am growing up and as such I'm just inherantly not finding the fun in things which are otherwise critically acclaimed.

The rest of the games industry needs to realise this too, and stop trying to cater to us, the "gamers" otherwise known as the man children. In my opinion this is why the games industry is failing, because as Boogie rightly said, the people that are the target audience for modern games are busy out getting laid.

Whilst fun is obviously a large portion of what I look for in a game, it isn't as much as say, 10 years ago. Now instead I look for other things, other hooks and interesting elements such as fantastic story writing.

I don't mean to sound pretentious but, I look for things that are more, adult, in video games. Things I wouldn't of appreciated 5 years ago, but would do now. That's why Quantic Dream are my fetish, they make enticing gut wrentching stories that pull me in and spin me around.

Although to be fair, I am just one person.

I'll go sit down again now.

Exactly, compare the story writing of the RPGs from "back in the day" to the crap we have now. The only thing that has improved over the years are graphics. The game play has gotten less engaging, stories are cliche, interfaces are bugged and clunky, because everything is focused now around SELLING. And what gets games to sell? NEXT-GEN GRAPHICS. Until you get the game home, pop it in your console, and you find out you just bought one of the most boring games in history, and so you try to take it back to Gamestop and they say "Nope, it's used now, we know you just spent $60 on it yesterday, but the best we can do is give you 3 cents in store credit. We call it a butt-!@#$ing."

That's why free to play has become the most popular business model. People got tired of buying $60 worth of crap for something they may or may not like. If games were fun and people thought they were getting their moneys worth, it would be less of a problem. Power, graphics and cinematics don't make the game, if that was the case, gaming would have died a long time ago, because we had very little of all three of those. Your game didn't survive off of visuals, it survived off being entertaining.

Which goes back to my original point about power being irrelevant. League of Legends is the most played game in the world, but has worse graphics and requires much less power than anything that the PS4 will have to offer. Hell it even looks worse than a lot of PS3 games. When I see a PS4 game that takes LoL's spot as most played game, I'll believe "power" is what matters.
Power has never been what matters. The most popular systems have always been the ones with the most and best games. Sometimes they were also the most powerful, but sometimes not. If we look back at the 8-bit generation, the Sega Master System had way superior graphics compared to the NES, but nobody played it because it didn't have even close to the quality library of games that the NES had. Now NES is a household name, but if I ask my friends what a SMS is, they will have no idea. Only gaming enthusiasts or the few people that actually owned it really know what it is.

The Wii sold more consoles than the 360 or PS3, but you can think of many reasons for that. The Wii definitely had a very high quality library of very unique, creative, an exclusive games that set it apart from the other two. On the other hand, Nintendo also has the entire world by the throat because everybody and their mother knows what Nintendo is and will buy their consoles. The PS3 and 360 have a lot of the same games, their libraries are not so different especially compared to the Wii. The war between those two seems to have been more about online play, which for me is a little sad. I want quality games, not the same cookie-cutter shooter with a different name and lame story that just has better online play.
You guys are missing the point.

Fun = good
Games = fun
More powerful console = developers are more interested in the console
Developers being interested = more games
More games = more fun
But power really is irrelevant. What people want is innovation to make the experience better. Consoles are getting to a point now where the jump from generation to generation has a negligible difference. There needs to be a shift here at some point, like the shift from 2D to 3D. They just can't go any further without being redundant. Developers are not just interested in power, that is a horrible oversimplification of what's going on. The Vita has way more power than the 3DS, but nobody is developing for it. That's just one example where innovation beats out on power.
Not just interested in power, correct, but when you're comparing two consoles, that's pretty much the only difference (Aside from gimmicks but meh)

Oh that and Xbox One isn't being sold in Wapan, so every JRPG will be PS exclusive

#get rekt microshit
If you're only comparing the XBone and PS4, then yeah, that's all you can do. They might as well be the same console, except one has major restrictions.
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