First couple minutes in, I see the manual code editor. You should give that a monospaced font.
You should also increase the FPS to 100. This isn't a very graphical tool, I don't think, and it would make that sliding animation smoother.
This is very awesome. I can see this going very far, and the fact that you decided to make it with Dream Maker instead of an external programming language makes it that much cooler. I suggest that you stick this on Github or something, because that would make it far easier for people to help out and make this become even more the project it deserves to be. :)
Glad you like it! =D
I'll add this on github when its more stable and has more actions. Hmmm Let's see what actions I should add next... |
Small thing, but I'm someone who notices these things.
![]() Two spaces there between "never" and "programmed". |
Thank you for posting these bugs Albro1.
These issues have been fixed in v.0.6,which I'll upload tonight. I'll also upload a new video in a few seconds. =D |
Updated to V.0.6:
-Changed font in Manual Editing mode. -Changed FPS to 100 to make interface transitions much smoother. -Fixed Manual Editing so quotes and double quotes and all special symbols show up correctly when working manually. -Compiling now auto saves the current project's state. Next Update -New Actions and an important feature that may increase the number of persons that will use this tool: Intelli-sense (Auto-completion). |
Updated to V.0.7:
-Small bug fixes with Actions. -Faster loading for big .dm files. -Added 10 new actions (Interface,Mouse,Text,Messages,Objects) -Added Intelli-Sense (Auto-Completion):In the manual code editor,simply type and the suggestions will pop up at the top of the screen, clicking on it will replace what you were currently typing. Known bugs -Loading an environment outside of the tool's folder, will prevent it from compiling or running. -Intelli-Sense is only activated when working in the LAST line of the manual code editor. |
even though i'm usually against this sort of game making, reason i chose byond, there's no denyin that this is sweet
I like where this is headed, once you've mastered that graphics tablet, and this system is done you should make a demo game with it! xD lol
Updated to V.0.8:
-All actions now have double forms, which means dragging "create_mob" under another proc or an if statement would generate it like this:var/mob/M = new;"Name" , with the correct tabbing and if there are no proc, it will be generated in it's normal form with correct tabs and multi-line. -Fixed some issue with winset actions that messed up the manual code editor. -Bigger database for Intelli-sense suggestions. ( Next update More actions,more actions and more actions. In V.1.0 I'll try to create another game using the tool and see how much better it has become. |
-More actions (25 Actions now)
-A lot of bug fixes related to the interface.
-Added force-compile when changes are made to code files.
-Added DM Guide and Skin reference under the "Help" section.
The tool is starting to shape up nicely, I have been able to create some basic things such as a game with a nice interface and a character that moves with mouse clicks.
Keep an eye on this, It's getting updated daily.