Not what I meant, the donations are more a way to save BYOND than expand it. If the donations work well enough, expansion is a viable outcome from that; but you don't go to kickstarter say 'I need money to save this project, then maybe I'll expand'. It's more of 'I want to do this with my project, but I can only do that if I can get the money to fund it. If you help me fund this, it will happen and I will offer you _______ for donating x amount.'
Ahh, my bad, sorry about the misunderstanding. While that is typically true, a project can offer digital rewards, in combinations with physical items (T-shirts etc, which several members of the community have offered to help procure.) Kickstarter may not work for BYOND, but there are alternatives out there that may be better.
Cache issue. It's being looked into. CTRL+F5.