![]() Sep 28 2013, 11:06 pm
Just FYI, as of a few weeks ago, the $100 standalone is an option under all hub entries (the "distribution" tab). It is ad-free with no splash.
One of my friends heard of Dream Maker, but not BYOND itself (hmmmmmmmmmmmmm....)
Tom wrote:
Just FYI, as of a few weeks ago, the $100 standalone is an option under all hub entries (the "distribution" tab). It is ad-free with no splash. Well that's fine and dandy and all, but I run a Space Station 13 server. We have no hub access. |
Doesn't Exad still lurk BYOND now and again? If so, it probably wouldn't be too much trouble getting in contact and sending the $100 for the standalone, so SS13 devs can make use of it.
He's more active on SA these days, but even there, he's hard to get in contact with.
Exadv1 does not really care about SS13 anymore, so I doubt he'd pay $100 for it. I've spoken with him a few times on the /tg/station IRC channels, and the general gist I got from him is he's not really interested in it anymore.
Yeah, hence why I said one of the SS13 devs would have to send the $100 to him. We can probably assume that without Exad's permission, Tom wouldn't allow the purchase of a standalone key, since Exad is the hub publisher and would need to directly tell BYOND that he's OK with it.
I doubt it would be too much hassle if someone managed to get into contact with him, though. |
The Magic Man wrote:
Paying $100 to have a stand alone game and a membership fee isn't helping BYOND? What lmao? with 100,000 page views, thats AT LEAST 1,000$, even with only 1 small ad by google adsense. Video ads are anywhere from 30-60$ per thousand, at least that what hulu makes off video ads. |
@vongola: Magic Man was actually right about his revenue figures.
CPM is not that lucrative. |
As far as I can tell, BYOND needs to do more self-advertising aside from hoping that people make popular games with it that spread its name (NEStalgia doesn't even do much of that, and SS13 even makes it infamous). Even if a BYOND game becomes popular, BYOND itself won't have any chance of being Wikipedia-notable (if we still care about that) until someone looks directly at BYOND, rather than looking at "the game (made with BYOND)".
Ter13 wrote:
@vongola: Magic Man was actually right about his revenue figures. "Just so you know, $100 is the equivalent of anywhere from 100,000 to 500,000 page views if we're talking about ad revenue. That's a lot for a game to pull in.' That is absurd, and ad revenue varies on multiple things, such as your ad company, how many ads, if they clicked on the ad or not. I've never heard of someone only making 100$ for 500,000. I have a 1 minute video on youtube, with over 50,000 views and I have made over 200 dollars from it from google adsense. Longer videos also make more money, due to ads being longer and the banner ad on the screen being there longer, which makes it more likely, someone will click it. |
I think Tom and Lummox think to have a good talk, and find out how to make BYOND a profitable bushiness.
Also I know this isn't a feature request forum, but wouldn't it be awfully cool, if BYOND had an app, which would let you chat on the forums, page people and see what games are up. Give you a push notification if one of your watched games, comes online. I think that would be really cool, they wouldn't be able to profit much off it, but still cool nonetheless. |
Also, people on BYOND have money, I remember back when I played this a lot, I would always see people dropping hundreds, sometimes thousands for a source. People take BYOND for granted, and don't really think about the owners who have to feed themselves. Naruto Final Fight charges 60 dollar for each edit, I believe they still do(UNLIST THE [insert colorful word] MAKING PROFIT OFF A FAN GAME!) but there would always be multiple people, asking for an edit as soon as a moderator logged on. So its not like these people don't have money, they just don't find a BYOND membership, as a worthwhile investment, maybe add more exclusive features.
Why not make some sort of BYOND Referall thing? I'm sure it used to have one, if it still does or not I'm unsure, but if it does still have one, why not try market that more?
Information on BYOND's referral program can be found here. However, as you mentioned, it is buried somewhere and I wouldn't know how to navigate to that page apart from having the direct link.
A similar referral program, only using game banners, can be found by clicking the [share] button on a game's hub page. |
That's the one.
Yeah, maybe this should be pushed more? It may give BYOND customers a bigger push to actually get BYOND out there and bring in more people. Things like the referral program should be pushed forward, and the content that puts BYOND down should be pushed back in to the shadows. Maybe make the referral system give you points which you can trade in for various stuff (including cash if you have enough of them) as well as being able to use these points for in-game benefits or something. Edit: And don't make it give you one point per referral. Do something like 10 points for referring them, 50 points if they buy a 3 month membership, 100 points for 1 year etc... - Low numbers aren't as appealing. |
i love byond, i had no idea it needed help. ill try to donate befor the month is out.
Yeah, maybe this should be pushed more? It may give BYOND customers a bigger push to actually get BYOND out there and bring in more people. Unfortunately, due to the fact that there aren't many high quality, polished games on BYOND right now, bringing people in is hard. Spam-posting referral links is always going to garner a poor reaction. I've posted a number of them around the web to communities where you'd think people would be interested (2D game enthusiast sites, roguelike sites), but almost always the response is hostile. Not just hostile, but violently so. I think what it's going to take, is for some developers to make some seriously polished games, and use those as a sort of referral. Tom's attempts at monetizing BYOND have generally resulted in far too much work for no return. I don't think a referral system upgrade is going to do the trick, especially when it dips into the pocket of Tom by giving away memberships that would otherwise have been purchased. I think the BYOND 500 competition could easily result in BYOND's viability as a platform soaring. I plan on doing some promotion and marketing of the event once the games are all posted, to try to bring in some outside traffic. But to do it well, we need as great a showing as I'm hoping for. --The number of entrants to the competition is already pretty promising, and some of the names on the list are pretty exciting to see up there too. |
Ter13 is right. BYOND just needs some good games is all. You can do and say what you want, but at the end of the day, BYOND exists to make games and this is the best way to convince people to use it.
Can you imagine if someone claimed they invented a flying car, but refused to ever show anyone it could fly or let people see if it was capable of flight? No one would believe the car could fly. Same problem exists here. You can say BYOND is capable of making good games as much as you want, but when someone says prove it, you can't. |