In response to Ziare1
Ziare1 wrote:
So whats gonna happen for Byond's 15th anniversary?

Prob not much.
Wait why aren't you comfortable with 3,000?

And to think I was planning on donating 10,000 oh well..
In response to King_LiOnZ
King_LiOnZ wrote:
Wait why aren't you comfortable with 3,000?

And to think I was planning on donating 10,000 oh well..

Someone who has 1 post barely any involvement in BYOND at all suddenly donated $3,000 is very uncomfortable to me.
There's this thing called fraud, you may have heard of it. It costs a bit of $$$ when banks back-charge on $3000 transactions. If you wanted to donate that amount, you'd probably want to speak a little more directly, as it also has tax implications.
In response to Stephen001
So no random rich guys allowed to leave million dollar checks in Tom's mailbox? There goes that road trip.
If someone wants to donate $3'000, they should be allowed, in my opinion. The rest of the contributors obviously want to see that $5k goal to be reached and it's kind of a downer when something like that is rejected.
In response to Writing A New One
It's kind of a downer when you get a chargeback, too.
In response to Writing A New One
I think Tom has three problems with the transaction:

1. It was probably illegitimate meaning the benefactor didn't actually have that much money and ultimately there would be problems in accepting any amount of money that doesn't actually exist not to mention the charges and fees.

2. If it was real, it was probably obtained illegally. The guy who donated it runs a fan game that charges real money for in-game position and status. I'm sure Tom has a problem with accepting something like that.

3. The benefactor did not respond to any of Tom's communications.
In response to FIREking
I think Tom's biggest problem with accepting money from fangames is the legal issues. Reference - the FUNimation fiasco.

I didn't notice the donation before it was taken back, anyone care to inform me of whom it was? Feel free to send the name to my pager, so not to give any publicity there.
To be clear, it isn't my intent to reprimand this user, as technically he did nothing wrong. I just was not comfortable with a few aspects of the donation so I refunded it. It has nothing to do with fangames. If the user wants to contact me privately, we can sort that out. Otherwise, carry on. I hope we can continue meeting our donation goals as this has been very encouraging so far.
In response to Gokussj99
What if he was a celebrity?
In response to King_LiOnZ
King_LiOnZ wrote:
What if he was a celebrity?

Chances are he would of made a post or replied to Tom especially if he was a celebrity.

Also note, the user was Brazilian or at least ran a Brazilian fangame- and while I have no issues with this he may not speak English.
In response to Jittai
Jittai wrote:
King_LiOnZ wrote:
What if he was a celebrity?

Chances are he would of made a post or replied to Tom especially if he was a celebrity.

Also note, the user was Brazilian or at least ran a Brazilian fangame- and while I have no issues with this he may not speak English.

I responded saying he was Brazilian too.

Be careful Lige or LordAndrew might delete your post for racism.
Well, regardless of location or country of origin, the only post made by the user is in Portuguese. And it appears Cloud Magic is being clever and asking for the three grand :)

Whatever...we don't need random huge donations from questionable sources, we need lots of small donations from everyone.

"being clever", K.
In response to Writing A New One
There are better ways to go about doing that than a paypal transaction, when you get up to those values, which offer both parties some better assurances. That's the route you'd take.
In response to Turboskill
Well since I paid my electric bill today, I figured I would throw in $10 :) at this rate I'll be on the all-time list in half a year!

Turboskill wrote:
"being clever", K.

Welcome back?

It could have been stolen money and they want to hide it using BYOND. D= But other than that my rage of being passed by the others is over because I am climbing again.

All the money I donate is from selling Ramen at my corner and Tom is a frequent buyer so I get all that money back. :P
LOL!! Hey... how much for spicy chicken though...? .__.
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