Jun 6 2013, 5:15 am
I was unfairly booted by an admin I guess with the key that started with crack sorry forgot the rest of it bc i was 1 of 2 heros left with 2 villians and 2 akats in the round, I was playing shino and had my bug shield up and neither of the two villians could figure out how to kill me in obito land, then they caught their self on fire when Kakasi showed up and burned to death. they got on the ooc and without the admin asking my in put booted me bc they were bitching this shows plain admin abuse and should be looked at before it gets so far out of hand you start loseing your playerbase
Jun 6 2013, 5:18 am
returned to the game and got the admins key: Crakenguy
I don't see any playerbase losing. As well, I think it's because it wass bugged and villians has no way to teleport to Dimension except Mu or by Reflexes.