I need to create a game for Windows 8 and get it accepted in the Windows Store. I've been developing this for 3 days now xD and anyone who can send the project before June 20 gets Windows 8 Pro for free. (Best game wins 10 000$ and there's 3 random winner of 1000$)
(If I win any of these prices, I'd share the reward with all those who helped =P)
BoltX is inspired a little bit by Sonic/Mario and is one of the very few platformer I've seen yet on Windows 8. I can also port this easily to the GOOGLE Play Store later on. Right now game supports Touch controls and Keyboard controls. Which means game should work on both PCs and tablets.Anyways, If anyone is willing to help me out by making a few Enemies for Bolt to jump on, You could get some fame by being in the credits in the game under "Staff"!!

Any Questions/Ideas Reply !
EDIT: This is not made using the BYOND engine.