Legend of Another World

by Xirre
Legend of Another World
A Fantasy game made to be played with RP or PVP but only one. It is the choice of the Admins.
Well instead of trying to take the image out of my game, I may as well give you the original full quality one lol.



I based this Byond Atom slightly on your forum image.
I'm gonna cry. q_q Thank you Tim!
I'm gonna find a way to keep Mikey's image somewhere.
In response to Xirre
Xirre wrote:
I'm gonna find a way to keep Mikey's image somewhere.

Thats ok Xirre thanks anyway , just use the one you want I was just trying to be helpful by gfxing that for you in thanks for the membership and to help your original nicely iconed and coded game.
You were most helpful Mikey, i also appreciate your work :O
In response to Teka123
Thanks , but my picture gots nothing on those sexy trees you make. xD
lol :D :P, Well I'm a pretty bad artist, I just have lots of experience at bad art which means I'm a capable bad art producer :O

but thanks for the compliments though i don't like most of my trees :O
I felt as if I should make this I made 2 choose which you like most.

#1 http://i39.tinypic.com/2j17io1.jpg
#2 http://i41.tinypic.com/e1p9h.jpg
Thanks again! ^-^ I'll try and find a place to put yours as well. But contact me here. I'm not on that game anymore. In fact, I don't even play it often lol. I'm the host and I was just bothering the 50+ players that.. suck up my bandwidth. q_q
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