It's been a busy week -- I'm now working in downtown Cleveland. Preliminary analysis suggests that to miss rush hour traffic I have to leave home no later than 6:15 AM. That's not all bad, though, since I'm more creative when I get up early. Ben Franklin was right about that early rising stuff, I guess.
The new office has a good clear view of Cleveland's most famous landmark, the Terminal Tower. I ordered this poster to decorate the wall, so once it arrives, I should be able to stand in one spot and see the poster and the actual building side by side. I don't know what possible usefulness that could have, but I saw the poster while flipping idly through the Historic Rail catalog last night, and it was love at first sight.
And as it turns out, the Terminal Tower's 75th birthday is next week!
Jun 23 2005, 4:00 am
Jun 23 2005, 5:47 am
You have a window??!? Bastard!
Good luck with the commute thing...I've been doing that now for coming up on fifteen years (four of which I did without a car...ouch).
But it does sound like you at least have some interesting digs! Now you can impress the chicks! |
Good luck with the evil Cleveland transit system. Pity on those who get behind an RTA bus. ;)
evil and disgusting are two different things though...
i mean, here in the bay you've got dirty DIRTY crackheads/etc... like all making you nervous and stuff... it's like, i worry about playing my DS on the bus sometimes because it's the people... and the drivers dont give a shit... you dealing with that in cleveland? |
Haha, playing my DS in lessons used to be great. The stylus looks like a pen, and the DS is flat enough to go on your lap if you lean back on your chair and kick your knees up to the bottom of the table.
The teachers think you're writing notes on isomers and stuff, but you're actually playing that 1337 bird-bug-catching game on Wario Ware. |
SWEET. that minigame pwns. i also love the "9-volt" level? with all the mock-NES minigames... talk about severe pwnage. god, i wish i had my DS back in school... that would have kicked so much fucking ass...
it's almost equally as cool, though, to get away with playing it at work for the same reasons you mentioned... |
you dealing with that in cleveland? Not too much (at least not yet this first week!). The area it's in is called the "Warehouse District," but today, instead of warehouses, it's full of trendy restaurants and bars. |
Downtown Cleveland is depressing now. It used to be really, really busy and full of acivity, but now, the roads are totally empty! Most businesses have moved out of the downtown area. =(
I wouldn't say that the Terminal Tower is Cleveland's most famous landmark. Cleveland has a lot of much cooler places, such as the Cleveland Orchestra, Cleveland Art Museum, and Playhouse Square. In general, Cleveland is really good with the arts. |
It used to be really, really busy and full of acivity, but now, the roads are totally empty! More room for me. :) Most businesses have moved out of the downtown area. But my employer has moved into it. That in itself should be enough to trigger a renaissance! I wouldn't say that the Terminal Tower is Cleveland's most famous landmark. Yeah, I'd guess if you actually went by the number of people throughout the world who can identify a landmark by sight, the most famous is probably Jacobs Field or Cleveland Browns Stadium. But you're right -- Cleveland does have plenty of great places to visit! |