The object tree now has an option to lookup a node by path or partial path (eg, inputting "tr" will find things like /turf/tree; inputting "/turf/tree will only return that).
Applies to:Dream Maker
Status: Resolved (499.1192)

This issue has been resolved.
A "find object" feature that looks an object up in the object tree.
You mean like var/obj/sword/s = locate(/obj/sword) in some_sort_of_list ?
No, ideally it'd be a textbox placed above the object tree which filters items within the tree. Some projects (SS13) have a lot of objects which clutter up the list. Being able to filter on them would be nice.

Ideally it would be a textbox above the object tree where you can type something. If it's empty, every object is shown. If you type a keyword in it, it only shows objects within the tree that contain the keyword.

Example: You have the following type paths:


By typing "s", you only see the first two items:

If you type "sw" you see the sword only:

If you type "weapon" you can see the bottom two but not the first entry:

Just a simple filter that gets rid of the clutter.
I'm glad you clarified, that is indeed something I'd like to have.

Another feature I'd like to see is being able to right click on an object in the active object area ("right click object on map, click "Make Active Object", it appears in "Object" pane) and hit "Find In Object Tree" which could then lead me to its code if I double click on its type name if the object tree.
A search filter for the object tree would be super useful, moreso for large projects. The same feature could be applied to the variable editor screen which could allow you to quickly find and edit variables by tapping out a few letters.
Tom resolved issue with message:
The object tree now has an option to lookup a node by path or partial path (eg, inputting "tr" will find things like /turf/tree; inputting "/turf/tree will only return that).
I couldn't easily do this as requested because of the way the tree control works, but I added something that should make it easier to find items.
I just yelled out loud.

It was a joyful yell.