I tend on doing a playthrough of games and probably even show links to this page to make whole new byond players! I want to know because most of my videos are Montenized and I didn't want to post anything up until I have approval.
So creators of byond, would you mind such a thing?
May 31 2013, 12:21 pm
Best response
I think it's a great idea. Don't worry about it. I'm sure if Youtube has an issue, they'll pull the ads.
I did notice YouTube refused to monetize some of my tutorials. I assume its because I am using software that doesn't belong to me.
In response to Albro1
It clearly states, trust me; I checked, that you cannot show software UI without written consent of the respective owners of that software. Therefore, Tom would either have to express somehow to Youtube, probably written again, consent to allow people to upload parts of the software. After that, doing 'playthroughs'(any gameplay really) would mostly fall upon the respective owners of those games(though things like dbz and naruto would have a much harder time, beings as the games aren't really allowed to be made anyway- copyrights and all that blubber.).
[EDIT] What can't I monetize? Found here.[END EDIT] [EDIT] Actually, from that; you should be able ot do active commentary tutorials, if that's what you were doing.[END EDIT] |
Since BYOND is an engine, though, an argument could be made that the software is actually owned by the developer of the game (much as a game written in C++ doesn't have to get Bjarne Stroustroup's approval). Who knows. Internet Law is confusing.
In response to Tom
For the gameplay videos, yes, because they are assumed to have the license to create and publish that game, which is the case 80% of the time on BYOND(where some games have a C&D). But for tutorials that show off Daemon, Maker, or even the Pager probably need consent from their respective owners, which in this case would be you. Not sure if it's included in the license that we're allowed to use the software in a way such as this, if so; they could probably just present the license agreement to youtube support.