Well today my dad was looking for me and my brother's birth certificates. Instead, he found letters to my mum from other guys that stretch back at least 3 years.
Yeah, so it turns out my mum's been having affairs with 3 guys for at least 3 years.
If she didn't come clean with it the first time she got found out for having an affair, how far might this all go back?
As you can expect, it's just insult to injury with my dad. He's pretty upset; it's relatively humiliating.
So this new information weighs in pretty heavily against my mum staying in the house; it's pretty much certain she's going to move out now. More than certain. No wonder she wanted to leave the first time it all came up.
Well, meh. I suppose my brother's cruelty to her recently is somewhat justified. My mum's claims of the marriage going down-hill recently resulting in the affair (and thus, me and tom having to see a family councillor and other rubbish) is kinda out the window now. She's either going to have to claim that it's been a bad marriage from the start, or admit it was rubbish.
Heh, so now I really do have a lying whore for a mother. It's hard not to take sides in situations like this, although I'm still intent on straying from the family entirely.
Tomorrow I have to spend a week with my dad's family in the lake district, which means no work on BYOND games, my website or anything else (shame since I had something good going). I was going to refuse to go but since my dad's had the misfortune of realising his marriage has been a sham, I suppose it's only fair I go.
The day I get back I am going to see Ema for a week- she has internets and such, so I would be able to update then, maybe. Either way I'll be gone for a week or two and not be able to do much during.
Ben came round today so we played Doom 3, watched the Spore video (he is appropriately blown away), and then we looked at the pictures in My Recieved folder since you always tend to get a log of about 2 years of your history in there.
My keyboard's wrist stand thing has fully broken now.
My dad's going to talk to my mum tonight about it all; find out the full truth, hopefully. She's been away at a teaching course and hasn't been able to answer his calls.
Such is life. No wonder so many welcome death.
![]() May 24 2006, 6:15 am
Yeah, cheating is almost never justified.
You'd think "he doesn't pay attention to me anymore" and "he's mean to me" and the like would be reasons to break up with him, not stoop to an bigger low than him. |
Have you guys not noticed that Elation has not only stopped making a million posts, he as stopped, or at least slow down, on randomly insulting everything that moves? This must really be affecting him. Perhaps he should seek some professional...oh wait, he already is. Well, anywho, good luck with all of that Elation.
I'm not seeing proffessional help as such. The family councillor clearly thought me and Tom were the reason the family was messed up.
Meh. It's just that everything is falling apart. Ema is having a terrible time. Another friend of mine at uni is having a terrible time. People are dying left right and centre as you can see from certain BYONDer's blogs... even a karate sensei of mine died from cancer a month or two ago. I've dropped out of school, I have very little future and no wish to proceed with things. Sigh. |
Meh, life will get better... or it wont. Either way, it will go on. Best be a scab on society untill you are removed from it.
I would recommend ignoring the world and concintrating on sleep and computers. It has worked for me all these years. |
Yes Elation, you'd better get on Pinapple_Rock's and Thorg's afts about posting while you're gone, and we expect Elation kualaty blog updates.
Yes, my posts are "rele gr8"! Ahaha, I kill me...
No, really, I am going to kill myself. ¬_¬ Luckly both Thorg and PR are pretty interesting fellows. They should be honoured to post on ElaBlog! |
The day I get back I am going to see Ema for a week- she has internets and such Please bring me an internet too? Err, no - bring me two. Seriously, though - Elation. It suprises how calm you are. You are in a horrible situation, and yet you're acting just always. You aren't worried a bit, are you? Anyhow, good luck. Eventually, life will get better. Just keep looking from the bright side of life, and not all emo-ish from the shadows. |
Let's just say I'm "mildly concerned"... things like who the house will go to are of concern to me as I have invested interests in it- my computer, gamecube, and so on.
Being cooly detached is a much better way to live life. I take my anger out during karate sessons. =p Thanks for the advice, O. =) |
But on a lighter note: No blog posts from Elation!? The world might go into panic! This cannot be allowed to happen. I think I'm going to have to push the red button!!1111one!