I finally got my new airsoft gun on Saturday.
It's like WHOA! ZOMG!
My old one went vrowkaCHAvrowkaCHAvrowkaCHA! and if anyone doesn't know what an airsoft gun sounds like, it does NOT sound like that when healthy.
But my new one goes pftpftpftpftpft which is a GOOD sound for an airsoft gun to make.
It also has a 1.5x magnification sight (NOT SCOPE, THEREFORE NOT FOR SNIPING BUT TARGET AQUISITION before someone comments on how bad it is) which is cool.
I also got 3 hicap (470 round) mags with it which clip together so I can have fun when I go skirmishing with it!
And only £240(+£40 worth of mags)!!
May 24 2006, 6:04 am