I've been able to get everything to how I want it with the north direction as the exception. Would appreciate help on how I might be able to get this to look a bit better. Image and video hosting by TinyPic
Well, what exactly are you going for with this?
I'm trying to make it actually look like he's walking. Right now it just looks weird to me, but I can't figure out what to do with it.
Well, the biggest problem I see is the legs. It's pretty easy to tell you took the south states and added different details to the rest of the body. In doing this his legs are bending forward instead of backwards as they should be. Try changing that first off and see how it looks then.
If you want a better walking cycle you'll need to increase the number of frames and reference walking cycles. Which is as simple as a quick google of walk cycle frames( This animation is probably a 4 frame animation. An 8 frame animation will have a different effect on the viewer being more fluid:

Two examples of an isometric 8 frame walk cycle. WalkingCycle3 photo WalkingAni.gif

WalkingAnimationFiveBillion photo 128walkinganimation_zpsfd973e30.gifSkele001 photo Skeleton00_zpsf91dd8d2.gif

You might also want to start off an animation with it just being a stick figure so you don't have to think about anything other than the animation.
Made an edit, I got the weird look out of it at least. Thanks for the replies. I'll try to put them to use.