Phantom Kingdom: The Great Magi War

by TheTrueGamingExperience
An 100% original Action, Adventure, Mecha, Martial Arts, Military, Supernatural, Strategy, RPG, Fantasy game.
In response to Raigen_Convict
Raigen_Convict wrote:
I will test mage, if you would allow me to, take note that I may need to go afk for daily duties at times but that doesen't take over 30 minutes if i have additional info I will tell later.

Attention: Registration for Alpha Testing is closed. We would like to thank all of those who registered and hope to have a great test run. As stated on the hub information, those accepted will be provided with a forum link for Alpha Testers only, as well as be informed of the game being live one week in advance. We look forward to having a very fruitful test run, and in advance would like to thank all those participating.
Hello everyone, check out and support our youtube channel we'll be getting started once everything gets going!
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