Calling all major designing byond scale dimensional magnitude factors for building/modeling singularities of imagination.
I guess what I'm really saying is, ready made means for loading a design instead of empty-pixel based modeling. (hell, I didn't even edit most of that). Now, I mentioned, I suppose, it's probably futuristic for you, but then again, people do like their options. All your base are belong to us. |
"Calling all major designing byond scale dimensional magnitude factors for building/modeling singularities of imagination."
What's that supposed to mean? Also, I'm not looking for suggestions, what I need is support. |
User content uploaded to or displayed on the website can be filtered or removed at the discretion of the BYOND staff. Items that warrant such action include, but are not limited to: pornographic, racist, or otherwise vulgar content; content that is intended to incite or attack a particular user or group; content that causes a significant use of bandwidth for purposes that don't benefit the BYOND community in some manner acceptable to the BYOND Staff; content that breaks any laws or contracts. Content violations as well as inappropriate conduct in other areas of the BYOND system, such as creating pager spam or harassing other users, may warrant termination of the BYOND account. BYOND Staff reserves the sole right to determine what conduct is inappropriate. That's what I meant. Effectively, I'd appreciate some support, though if needs be I wouldn't mind discussing certain options. |
To support you, I'd first have to have even the first clue of what you're proposing here. After 3 pages I still don't, and I suspect I'm in a majority in that. Please, some diagrams, some video, some code, give me anything that might demonstrate what you have tried to convey here.
Wait...Are you trying to get them to make Byond 3d? I'm failing to understand the wording in your sentences... Most of the words are out of place.
Or...Are you trying to establish what's already in existence? Ah, maybe it's the idea forum_account had before, creating a template layout lib for players to create games with? Really hard to follow with the wording you use. Maybe it'd be better if you explained it again what you're trying to accomplish. That way most of us would actually understand your dimensional talk. After re-reading some of your posts...Is this correct? "I want donations so I can make a unique game. That way people will try and follow to make their own unique games" or "Not enough tools are given to us to make unique games" Just takin stabs in the dark, feel free to correct me Yuigi |
Oh my god what the fuck trying to read your messages actually makes my face physically hurt.
Yo, any other readers or viewers... stop provoking this post, I need neither your suggestions or co-operation. I am looking for support and that's it.
If you can't give that provision please thusly know you've no place nor business to be here. Also, I ask of you to kindly, leave. |
By the consensus of the Dimensional Committee for the improvement of BYOND, I put into motion that the being known as Yugi, be in fact the one to leave. All those in favor, scream especially loudly in your native tongue your vote.
Look. You want our support. That means we must first understand what it is you want supporting. I still very genuinely have no idea what you're talking about and I am in the majority in that.
You need to do the work to explain to us what it is you are proposing. If you cannot do that, then you no-one will support you. That, I guarantee. Understand that we'd like to know what you're proposing, honestly, and explain, with examples. |
From OP: "Also, if it comes to the point that it seems necessary for me to put up or show a demonstration of my work, I'd willingly be able to amount such."
That's not in accordence with the rules. o,o