In response to Tom
Tom wrote:
Wow, that's insane. It's a fucking miracle that even compiles at all. I think BYOND itself is under 500k lines but there are absolutely no comments anywhere!

To be fair, 500k lines of LummoxJR code is a lot of code ;)

EDIT: I had to download the zip of this. The download link just silently fails.
In response to Carnwennan
Carnwennan wrote:

Also, all these people saying they are -SS13- devs and you're not. You're a dev for ONE FORK of an (poorly licensed) open-source project =p

The open source project is the fork. The closed source project continues as Gibbed. All the people here claiming to be SS13 devs either work on the current version of the original game or worked on it in the past before the open release. The open release was a good idea, there's more servers and players now than ever and the different branches have done a lot of good work but you're mistaken there.
In response to Latoma
Latoma wrote:
Okay, this I didn't know about SIlk. I have been hearing from others more involved in the situation that Silk wants nothing to do with BYOND.

Before you give any more "history lessons" about me in the future, you might want to make sure that at least some small fraction of what you're saying is actually true ;-)

I think that BYOND is great. The problem with BYOND isn't the software, the problem is that most people want all of the rewards of making a game without actually putting in the work. There are no shortcuts in life, and developing an independent game is no exception.

I fully support Tom and Lummox in what they're doing here, and I'm rooting for BYOND to succeed!
In response to MagicMountain
MagicMountain wrote:
The open source project is the fork. The closed source project continues as Gibbed. All the people here claiming to be SS13 devs either work on the current version of the original game or worked on it in the past before the open release. The open release was a good idea, there's more servers and players now than ever and the different branches have done a lot of good work but you're mistaken there.

What I am saying is, I don't really think it's appropriate to implicate other communities share your sentiments or ego, when you could just refer to yourself as gibbed, as we refer to ourselves as TG, Bay, Facepunch or whatever. As we are all very different, but still ss13.
ss13 is not gibbed IP.
In response to Carnwennan
Carnwennan wrote:
Please don't throw the whole ss13 community in with the likes of Tobba. We're not all jerks. :(

I'd also like to point out Tobba isn't an ss13 dev. He just griefs servers with exploits occasionally and ban-evades using VMs.

Also, all these people saying they are -SS13- devs and you're not. You're a dev for ONE FORK of an (poorly licensed) open-source project =p

Hey, its not like I didnt rewrite some parts of the game, wrote the goons lighting system and worked for multiple closed branches for a long time
(also I only screw with bad servers (and occasionally some of the better ones))
Hm, yes. Pointing out the total lack of a debugger certainly shows that I have ego problems.

What are you even saying here? Of course all the different SS13 communities are different. Who cares? Anyone with half a brain knows that people speak for themselves. Nobody is going to mistake one person's post for the feelings of thousands of different players.

I came into this thread thinking BYOND was a neat but frustrating abandoned project. I was kind of mad when all of a sudden it seemed like there was a drive to extract money and free users were referred to as leeches. Despite getting off on the wrong foot I'll leave this little chat with more respect for the platform and the effort it took to make something so complicated even work at all. I was wrong and kind of a dick.

Huge ego, yessir.
Its hard to argue semantics like this when all versions of the game are built from goonstation build 4407, that we released (along with all that custom art) under a creative commons licence because we thought it'd be a nice gesture and good for the whole SS13 player base. Lets not start with the petty infighting. If anyone owns the IP, it's Exadv1. The game has passed through so many hands at this point that it's not worth arguing who owns what. Accept that it's a collaboration going in several different directions.

I'd also like to say my opinion of BYOND has risen since the discussion in this thread. I held the impression from other people's encounters that this was a dead board with only a handful of people still active, and a lot of BYOND's problems were ignored due to either a lack of motivation or an inability to fix them. Unfortunately I think a lot of people feel this way, which could explain the lack of awareness that BYOND is having financial difficulties.

And yes, definitely put a donation button somewhere.
I am pleased that even though the irrelevant SS13 chat continues that people as opening their eyes to the problem at hand and how great Byond really is and why Tom deserves help.

Therefore if we work on ideas and fund raising rather than babble about what could have been done better in the past, we may just get somewhere.

So far I am proud of the byond community I have seen many people giving money and time and support for Tom and I see that their are people who love byond as much as I do and even more so as much as Tom does.

Thanks everyone and continue on perhaps we'll solve this thing in time.

It's not completely irrelevant. SS13 is a large untapped pool of people that don't get that involved with BYOND for various reasons. Mending that rift could be good for both sides.
Since we're on the topic of SS13. Is there any server on SS13 that has a good UI? They all seem to use the standard clustered set up.
No, there's no such thing as a good interface for SS13 yet. There's a bunch of different pieces built by different people and sometimes it doesn't fit together or work in an intuitive way. It needs work but there's a lot of things that need work.

Biggs made a new interface recently that's cleaner and nicer looking but we're all aware that it's a mess and a nightmare to use sometimes and that's a huge barrier to new people.
I don't mean to be a bitch muffin, but you guys should try to work that out... That and hopefully get a standalone installer that will list all the servers... I really can't remember what this thread was about so... yeah.
Its about making money for byond and maybe offering different membership incentives and membership price changes.

This is a thread for ideas.

So far Ive seen a few really good ones out of this but I hope the brilliant minds of byond come up with more. :)

In response to Tom
Unfortunately, not as many seem willing to pay $20/year for BYOND itself :)

Most of my friends did. And then again, they're not really known by you guys xD
In response to EnigmaticGallivanter
EnigmaticGallivanter wrote:
I don't mean to be a bitch muffin, but you guys should try to work that out... That and hopefully get a standalone installer that will list all the servers... I really can't remember what this thread was about so... yeah.

A standalone installer that lists all the servers? That means nobody would use the browser, so no ad revenue to Byond.

Yes, it's true that the standalone doesn't really give us direct revenue, so we've thought about either making it a one-time purchase to setup, or relying on shared subs. But I'm hoping the new pager adds enough value where people would be inclined to use it. What would be nice is if the thousands of SS13 players were more willing to try other stuff on BYOND-- contrary to the opinion of some of them, not everything here is that bad!

P.S. Thanks for the Membership!
Tom, Has the amount of membership sales and donations risen at all since you announced Byonds situation?

If so I think advertising that situation more often and adding donation links everywhere will spike revenue at least for a time.

We tend to get banned immediately from most other Byond games for having silly pun names or roleplaying incorrectly, heh.
At one point there was quite a bit of crossover between the SS13 and Murder Mansion playerbases though. Maybe we'll do some more field trips soon.
I was permabanned from a game called 'Cow RP' for roleplaying a cow :(
In response to EnigmaticGallivanter
EnigmaticGallivanter wrote:
Tom wrote:
Wow, that's insane. It's a fucking miracle that even compiles at all. I think BYOND itself is under 1M lines but there are absolutely no comments anywhere!

I am going to remember this moment for the rest of my life.

Lolol - I said the same thing when I saw this comment
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