BYOND Hosting / Shell Server

by Xirre
A shell server (hosting service) for all of BYOND to use!
xirre i hosted a game when i click New it means create character it dosent work but when i hosted using DD it worked help?
i got like screen there is New, Load,Delete i click on new dosent work but when i host using DD it works
Did you upload "both" your .dmb file and your .rsc file?
Are there any errors in your Errors.log file?
yes the .dmb and .rsc
Go ahead and check the chat on the server. I am logged on.
kk il relog
k im coming now
it still dosent work
runtime error: Safety violation: tried to access '/v/vegetassjj2' outside of current directory.
proc name: Click (/obj/cNew/Click)
source file: Save,1248

There's your issue.
but how do i fix it?
i delete the error log or what?
It's a programming issue. Check your sources.
i cant join server #1
Xirre, I got question. If I would purchase server for 60 credits would I be able to host this game?
Got only Host Files but they were published by creator.
I replied to your pager.
Please bring server one back up, Our server shut down and we dont have the save files
Fixing it.
Why is it always server one :(
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