Been working on this for a few weeks now. Quite a lot of work has gone into it already. It's not ready for a real demo release so I'm holding it back until then.

The code name is City Blues, probably going to change but I just needed a descriptive concept name.

It uses code from different other projects all melded together. It's really a melting pot type of game so kind of befitting for it's code to be as well.

Download link:

Design Document (still being worked on) link: City%20Blues.docx


Quick hints & challenges:

Click the clocks, bump into crates.

Try to see if you can get the character to walk backwards (it's possible and not an intended mechanic but I'm keeping it because it's cool)

Try see you can destroy 3 crates at the same time (fast crating) :)
Am I the only one that sees the resemblance to another game?