So I just downloaded BF3. The reason being is because I wanted to judge whether I'd be getting BF4. Basically my logic was that it's better to spend $20 to get a feel of what the gameplay is like rather than waiting for BF4 and spending $60 or more on a game I may not like.
Up until now all I've heard about the game was "omg it's so tactical", "you're going to need strategy", "this isn't CoD anymore". So I log in to my first game and I'm freaking stoked. I'm ready to shoot some dudes, fly some helicopters, ride some frogs, all that good stuff. Almost immediately after being deployed into the fight, "BOOM BOOM BANG POW". Explosions and crap going off everywhere and I'm thinking to myself "Oh snap, I'm about to have my mind blown". I look ahead and I see about 15 teammates all in one general vicinity shooting and tossing grenades down a flight of stairs.
Of course I wanted a piece of the action so I dash over and toss a grenade of my own. Didn't kill anyone, but I felt like I was making a difference anyway. As I'm looking down the stairs I start to see the enemies my comrades were aiming for, and apparently, they were doing the exact same thing - standing around throwing grenades. After a minute or two of shooting into a bunch of smoke ( after grenades go off, debris and crap fly into the air and make it hard to see enemies ), I decide to run down the steps and get up close and personal with the hostiles. They weren't expecting someone with the balls to run down there since I was able to shoot like 2 or 3 of them before the rest of the enemies even reacted and shot me down.
I die, re-deploy, and assume my position again at the top of the stairs. After another minute of wasting ammo and grenades, I type in the team chat "Hey, maybe we should just man up and go down there." No one in my squad responds, except for one guy that says "When are we going down there?" I take a look around and everyone is doing the exact same thing they were doing when I joined 5-6 minutes ago. No one is really trying to push the enemy back, they're just standing at the top, spamming explosives hoping someone will be dumb enough to try and make it up the stairs alive. So at this point I just run down the stairs again. I get a couple more lucky kills, but I get blown up immediately afterwards by a grenade ( because, remember, the enemy team is using the exact same, retarded "stand in one spot, spam nades, and hope for the best" tactic ).
So now I'm like "Okay, I'll just flank them." SIKE. As I walk out of the building we were in, I check the area for a possible alternate route that leads to behind where the opposing team had set up shop. However, the only path I saw that looked like it may have led to the enemies was blocked off by huge, indestructible box-like objects. I let out a sigh in disappointment and run back in. Oh, look, my teammates are still standing at the top of the stairs shooting and throwing grenades down at the enemies, what a surprise. I type "Can we seriously just go down there, this is getting boring." Still no response from my team, I try one last time to get my team to take some initiative and attempt to push the enemies back. I run down and before I can even turn the corner to aim my gun at the other team, KABOOM, blown to smithereens by, you guessed it, the same nade spam that's been dragging on for at least 15 minutes now.
What on Earth about this is tactical? To top it all off, there's no refunds for digital downloads. So yeah, this has been a splendid day for me as far as gaming goes. TL;DR: If you're looking for ways to waste money this summer, go ahead and pick up Battlefield 3. Better yet, hold off until Battlefield 4 so you can waste $40-$50 more. And companies wonder why piracy is so popular. BECAUSE PEOPLE DON'T WANT TO SPEND $20 JUST TO THROW NADES DOWN STAIRS FOR HALF AN HOUR.
I ain't even mad though. I got racks on racks. $20? Pfft, I make more than that in just 2 hours of work, bro. Get on my level, Origin.
![]() May 11 2013, 5:02 pm
Kaiochao wrote:
Hardcore mode makes the game slightly more tactical; you have less health, less regeneration, less time shooting at something, less time getting shot at, more time to think about what you're about to do before you do it. I'm about to look into hardcore mode, didn't see it at first. |
What you just described is pretty bad but you're making a generalization about the entire game from one map, one gameplay. There are numerous different types of maps, gameplay modes and enemies. I think you're transferring findings here.
Zecronious wrote:
What you just described is pretty bad but you're making a generalization about the entire game from one map, one gameplay. There are numerous different types of maps, gameplay modes and enemies. I think you're transferring findings here. I just played another map last night, it had "Canals" in the title, and while there was no grenade throwing, I saw literally no difference in the way I or my teammates were playing in comparison to Black Ops 2. Mind telling me which modes and maps are actually tactical? |
Generally playing a full scale map should be enough. Sounds like you're playing Deathmatch or something.
What Zecronious said. In Conquest mode, what's important is having the most flags most often, rather than having a lot of kills.
Tag.You.Are.Pregnant wrote:
You should try Ghost Recon: Future Soldier if you want tactical. That's single player, I think he's looking for multiplayer. |
I find that if you dont enjoy playing tactically yourself you wont be seeing much of a change, like me for example i fly around in transport choppers doing what was intended; assisted spawning, and strategically air dropping team mates
Zecronious wrote:
Tag.You.Are.Pregnant wrote: It is multiplayer. |
I just play SoldierFront. It's free. Doesn't cost me squat. And I've been playing it for a couple of years. Albeit a bit old, they've decided to release a 2nd Version of it this year hopefully with more modern graphics.
SilencedWhisper wrote:
I just play SoldierFront. It's free. Doesn't cost me squat. And I've been playing it for a couple of years. Albeit a bit old, they've decided to release a 2nd Version of it this year hopefully with more modern graphics. Right when you said soldierfront, the bad graphics are the first thing that came to mind. Haven't played it for a while but if I remember my username ,you can have the acc, if you want. Also got a crossfire and wolfteam acc that i dont play, cbf to remember the usernames. Shouldn't be hard remembering the passwords though. edit-recovered it. |
Hardcore mode makes the game slightly more tactical; you have less health, less regeneration, less time shooting at something, less time getting shot at, more time to think about what you're about to do before you do it.