(See the best response by Kaiochao.)
For some reason the map portion of my Interface doesnt seem to be working(does not respond to my mouse). It worked before but now it does not. I did not edit any turf pertaining to it.

Features that do not work thatI have found out.
1) Mouse Over
2) clicks

Things i have made sure before making myself look like an idiot for not noticing the problem. If I missed something I did not know about then I'm sorry I'm new to game making

1) map is not disabled
2) Turf Coding the correspond to clicking does not work. Click New to start a new game for example.
Best response
Did you override client/Click and client/MouseEntered and not call ..()?
For turfs to respond, set mouse_opacity to 2. In your interface file, for the map element make sure to uncheck the box that says "Send right clicks to mouse procs".