A new version is available for both online and offline versions. Please update PBF through the BYOND pager.
PBF v4.80.951
- (Fix) Dungeon: Flamium's secret boss doesn't unlock Ex Forest. \[Rare]
- (New) Limited time gift: Lugia or Ho-oh. \[Rare]
- (Tweak) Drop chart. \[Rare]
- (Tweak) Overall elements of the game. \[Rare]
A new version is available for both online and offline versions. Please update PBF through the BYOND pager.
PBF v4.81.298 - (New) Gift: Mesprit. \[Ter4] - (Tweak) Overall elements of the game. \[Ter4] Previous update: PBF v4.81.276 - (Remove) Soul Ability transfer has been temporarily removed. \[Rare] - (Fix) Move: Sacred Fire registered as a Special Attack move. \[Rare] - (Fix) Ho-oh's icon was not fixed by System Check. \[Rare] - (New) Secret boss battle theme. \[Ter4] - (New) Change Pokemon system. \[Rare] - (Tweak) Boss battle theme. \[Rare] - (Tweak) Overall elements of the game. \[Developers] |
A new version is available for both online and offline versions. Please update PBF through the BYOND pager.
PBF v4.90.141 - (Fix) The moves Thunder/Thunder L2 would miss against Exalius Falz. \[Rare] - (New) Trigger: Save Elysius. \[Rare] |
A new version is available for both online and offline versions. Please update PBF through the BYOND pager.
PBF v4.90.152 - (Fix) Save Elysius trigger bug: players are not able to change Pokemon in battle. \[Rare] |
A new version is available for both online and offline versions. Please update PBF through the BYOND pager.
PBF v4.90.210 - (New) Sangrooth trigger. \[Rare] - (Tweak) Drop chart. \[Rare] - (Tweak) Overall elements of the game. \[Rare] |
A new version is available for both online and offline versions. Please update PBF through the BYOND pager.
PBF v4.90.215 - (Fix) Sangrooth Trigger drops are incorrect. \[Rare] - (Tweak) Overall elements of the game. \[Ter4] |
A new version is available for both online and offline versions. Please update PBF through the BYOND pager.
PBF v4.90.234 - (New) Flamium music. \[Ter4] - (Fix) Some moves's abilities not activating. \[Rare] - (Tweak) Drop chart. \[Rare] - (Tweak) Overall elements of the game. \[Rare] |
A new version is available for both online and offline versions. Please update PBF through the BYOND pager.
PBF v4.91.453 - (Tweak) Overall elements of the game. \[Rare] PBF v4.91.450 - (Fix) Soul Abilities do not display in your Pokemon list for newly picked up Pokemon. \[Rare] - (Fix) Soul Ability: HP Up is not working properly. \[Rare] - (Fix) No EXP bonus when using Multi Boosts. \[Rare] - (Tweak) Several Pokemon stats have been greatly enhanced: Rayquaza, Mewtwo, Arceus, Meloetta, Groudon, Kyogre, Latios, Latias, Regigigas, Darkrai, Solgaleo, Lunala, Regirock, Regice, Registeel, Ditto, Turtonator, Blissey. \[Ter4] - (Tweak) Soul Ability list. \[Rare] - (Tweak) Drop chart. \[Rare] - (Tweak) Blind Dungeon's chain counter does not reset when visiting another dungeon. \[Rare] - (Tweak) Transfering Soul Abilities is guaranteed to work every time without failing. \[Rare] |
A new version is available for both online and offline versions. Please update PBF through the BYOND pager.
PBF v4.91.474 - (Fix) The Shaymin drop bug. [Rare] - (Tweak) Drop chart additions. [Rare] - (Tweak) Overall elements of the game. [Rare] |
A new version is available for both online and offline versions. Please update PBF through the BYOND pager.
PBF v4.92.166 - (Fix) Idle enemies in Ex Blue Sea. \[Rare] - (Fix) Wide range of BC dropped in Ex Blue Sea. \[Rare] - (Fix) Noctowl's excessive HP in Ex Seaside. \[Rare] - (New) Silver/Gold Pin exchange shop. \[Rare] - (Tweak) Ex Forest: Difficulty and number of spawns have been re-adjusted. \[Rare] - (Tweak) Ex Seaside: Difficulty and number of spawns have been re-adjusted. \[Rare] - (Tweak) Several Pokemon stats have been enhanced: Sandslash, Staraptor, Haxorus, Metagross, Dodrio, Machamp, Mightyena, Salamence, Pangoro, Gardevoir, Venomoth, Tyranitar, Blastoise, Gengar, Venasaur, Meganium, Feraligart, Sceptile, Swampert, Glalie, Snorlax, Rotom, Skarmory, Hitmonchan, Hitmonlee, Tauros. \[Ter4] - (Tweak) Overall elements of the game. \[Rare] |
A new version is available for both online and offline versions. Please update PBF through the BYOND pager.
PBF v4.92.226 - (Fix) Arceus drop. [Rare] - (Fix) Evolution lock bug. [Rare] - (Fix) Idle Sangrooth in Ex Seaside. [Rare] - (Tweak) Drop chart. [Rare] - (Tweak) Overall elements of the game. [Rare] |
PBF v4.93.100
- (New) Trigger: Haunted Castle. Castle's theme crop and editing. [Break] Item drops. [Prodigy] Governing code. Tested 0.31% CPU usage. [Prodigy] System check "stalk" code. Tested 0.19% CPU usage. [Prodigy] Boss AI "desires". [Tera] Map edits and governing placements. [Tera] - (New) Title screen song crop and editing. [Break] - (New) Seasonal boss theme crop and editing. [Break] - (New) Soul ability: Sniper. [Tera] - (New) Soul ability: Dark Intentions. [Tera] - (Tweak) Soul ability list. [Tera] - (Tweak) Pin exchange shop. [Tera] - (Tweak) Drop chart. [Tera] - (Message from developer) Haunted Castle is available only during Halloween Month. Use the Haunted Castle Trigger Key to play it the rest of the year. [Prodigy] |
A new version is available for both online and offline versions. Please update PBF through the BYOND pager.
PBF v4.93.130 - (Fix) Online version only: Playing Haunted Castle event crashes the player. \[Rare] - (Fix) Friendly fire in Haunted Castle event. \[Rare] - (Fix) Using the move Dragon Claw with Palkia shows a SC error. \[Rare] - (Tweak) Golden Mewgia base stats. \[Rare] |
A new version is available for both online and offline versions. Please update PBF through the BYOND pager.
PBF v4.94.212 - (Fix) Casual momentary and unnecessary stalling right after updating save file. \[Rare] - (Fix) System Check: hanging in flag check when reloging. \[Rare] - (Fix) BlueFire Dragon's House of Death attack targets its enemies 1 tile outside the trap. \[Rare] - (Fix) System Check: needs to learn how to correctly fix Larvesta's icon. \[Rare] - (Fix) Strange results when picking up large quantities of BCs. \[Rare] - (Fix) Bad item ID causes items to disappear when picked up. \[Prodigy] - (Fix) Lugia and Ho-oh icons not properly centered. \[Tera] - (Fix) Haunted Castle enemy drops exclude certain Potions and Energizers. \[Tera] - (Fix) "Server Reboot" not working properly for certain staff hierarchies. \[Rare] - (Tweak) Overall elements of the game. \[Rare] |
A new version is available for both online and offline versions. Please update PBF through the BYOND pager.
PBF v4.95.148 - (Remove) Drop chart list under Game Info has been temporarily removed. \[Prodigy] - (Remove) Soul ability list under Game Info has been temporarily removed. \[Prodigy] - (New) Defensive Soul Abilities (DSA) available at the Pin Exchange Shop. \[Rare] - (Fix) Game Info's links are broken due to Google Chrome's recent update. \[Rare] - (Tweak) Soul Ability list. \[Rare] - (Tweak) Pin Exchange Shop list. \[Rare] - (Tweak) Overall elements of the game. \[Rare] |
A new version is available for both online and offline play. Please update PBF through the BYOND pager.
PBF 4.99.256 beta - (Fix) Pixel movement running at low FPS. - (Fix) Battle System proximity distance error. - (Fix) Interact proximity distance error. - (Fix) Enemies walking animation chops when they're moving at random. - (New) Window system limited to a few interactions. - (New) Pixel movement. - (New) Limited Event A. - (Tweak) Drop chart. - (Tweak) Red Fire dragon's stats. - (Tweak) The Creator's stats. - (Tweak) Overall elements of the game. |
A new version is available for both online and offline play. Please update PBF through the BYOND pager.
PBF 4.99.277 beta - (Fix) Wrong EXP gain in LEA. - (Fix) At times, title screen shows "New Game" even when the save file exists. - (Fix) Players are not properly able to create a new save file. - (Fix) Nasty 1 second lag spike every 19 seconds. - (Fix) Pixel movement causing enemies to go out of bounds. |
Some updates I haven't posted here about:
PBF 5.00.633 beta - (Fix) Uxie doesn't have levitate as special ability. \[Prodigy] - (Fix) Mesprit doesn't have levitate as special ability. \[Prodigy] - (Fix) Admins lose their staff commands. \[Prodigy] - (Fix) More density opens in Tree Seaside. \[Rare] - (Fix) Density inconsistencies at Blind Dungeon. \[Rare] - (Fix) At times, enemies won't spawn at Flamium's first room. \[Rare] - (Fix) The Creator's Star Energy attack does no damage. \[Rare] - (Fix) Green Elysius warps do not work while items are around. \[Rare] - (Fix) Difficulty when trying to pick up items when more items are around. \[Rare] - (Fix) Wrong feedback text at the DSA station. \[Rare] - (Tweak) TM Lava Plume is now compatible with all Pokemon types. \[Rare] - (Tweak) TM Discharge is now compatible with all Pokemon types. \[Rare] - (Tweak) TM Surf is now compatible with all other Pokemon types, except fire-type. \[Rare] - (Tweak) Arceus stats have been enhanced. \[Rare] - (Tweak) Overall elements of the game. \[Prodigy/Sephi] PBF 5.00.542 beta - (Fix) Old version warp in Tree Seaside. \[Rare] - (Fix) Haunted Castle's boss. \[Rare] - (Fix) Bluefire dragon permanently warps away from battle. \[Rare] - (Fix) Density opens in Elysius. \[Rare] - (Tweak) Sped up spawns in Zombie Castle. \[Rare] - (Tweak) Sped up spawns in Emerald Boss Survival. \[Rare] - (Tweak) Overall elements of the game. \[Rare] PBF 5.00.479 beta - (Fix) Haunted Castle event respawns before it ends. \[Prodigy] - (Fix) Incorrect HP for LEA's boss. \[Prodigy] - (Fix) NPC can walk everywhere in X Forest. \[Rare] - (Fix) At times, SC tries to reach server's obsolete save files. \[Rare] - (Fix) Map inconsistencies in Tree Seaside. \[Rare] - (Tweak) Golden Mewgia stats. \[Rare] - (Tweak) Training Forest's secret boss is now available for single-players as the level requirements have been lowered. \[Rare] - (Tweak) Overall elements of the game. \[] PBF 5.00.411 beta - (Fix) Density opens in Tree Seaside. \[Rare] - (Fix) Limited Event A gets stuck after spawn area 3. \[Rare] - (Tweak) Limited Event A's difficulty has been lowered from level 125 to 108. \[Rare] - (Tweak) Overall elements of the game. \[Rare] PBF 5.00.378 beta - (Fix) Online players not able to play "Key Events" with other players. \[Rare] - (New) X Forest BGM. \[Rare] - (New) X Seaside BGM. \[Rare] - (Tweak) Map tiles for area: X Forest. \[Rare] - (Tweak) Dungeon: Tree Seaside; temporary Gracedia flower placement. \[Rare] - (Tweak) Dungeon: Flamium; Blue Fire dragon's teleport is temporarily blocked. \[Rare] - (Tweak) Overall elements of the game. \[Rare] PBF 5.00.350 beta - (New) Training Forest BGM. \[Rare] - (New) Tree Seaside BGM. \[Rare] - (New) Blue Sea BGM. \[Rare] - (New) Blind Dungeon BGM. \[Rare] - (New) Diagonal movement. \[Prodigy/Rare] - (Tweak) Map tiles.for areas: Elysius, Training Forest, Tree Seaside, Blue Sea, Scinovy. \[Zephi/Rare] - (Tweak) Overall elements of the game. \[Rare] |
PBF v4.80.700
- (Tweak) Closing the game could corrupt save file. \[Prodigy]
- (Tweak) Overall elements of the game. \[Prodigy]