Pokemon BlueFire

by RareScar
Collect Pokemon and level them up while conquering challenging dungeons and survival challenges. 200+ Pokemon available!
A new update is now available for both online and offline versions. Please update PBF through the pager.

PBF v4.40.852

- (Tweak) Red Skulls exterminating special spawned enemies in survival. \[Tera]

- (Tweak) Overall elements of the game. \[Tera]
A new update is now available for both online and offline versions. Please update PBF through the pager.

PBF v4.40.860

- (Fix) Ex Seaside doors were staying open. \[Rare]

- (Tweak) Special Pokemon spawn rate has been permanently halved in survival events. \[Tera]

- (Tweak) Overall elements of the game. \[Tera]
A new update is now available for both online and offline versions. Please update PBF through the pager.

PBF v4.41.219

- (Fix) Ability: Evasion Up not working properly. \[Tera]

- (Fix) EXP display graphics glitching in EBS event. \[Rare]

- (New) Soul Ability: Phantom Blood. \[Tera]

- (New) Soul Ability: Zengroth's Soul. \[Tera]

- (Tweak) All boost items grant a x2 instead of a x1.5 bonus. \[Tera]

- (Tweak) Foe Recover's power reduced. \[Tera]

- (Tweak) Flying-type Pokemon can now learn Recover. \[Rare]

- (Tweak) Overall elements of the game. \[Tera] \[Rare]
A new update is now available for both online and offline versions. Please update PBF through the pager.

PBF v4.42.120

- (Fix) RedFire Dragon getting stuck in battle. \[Rare]

- (Fix) Incorrect TM Recover drop rate. \[Rare]

- (Tweak) Drop chart. \[Rare]

- (Tweak) Overall elements of the game. \[Rare]
A new update is now available for both online and offline versions. Please update PBF through the pager.

PBF v4.42.556

- (Remove) Enemy Mewtwo's Recover in Flamium. \[Rare]

- (Fix) Boost items not working properly. \[Prodigy]

- (Fix) Shiny Pokemon showing as regular Pokemon. \[Rare]

- (Fix) Savefile not reached while changing areas. \[Rare]

- (Fix) Cresselia not dropping the right items in Scinovy. \[Prodigy]

- (Fix) Foe Charizard moves not shuffling correctly in Flamium. \[Tera]

- (New) Global EXP Bonus. \[Rare]

- (Tweak) New Lugia and Ho-oh icons. \[FG]

- (Tweak) Flamium enemies' health is 20% lower. \[Rare]

- (Tweak) Several changes to the Item Drop Chart. \[Rare]

- (Tweak) Overall elements of the game. \[Developers]
A new update is now available for both online and offline versions. Please update PBF through the pager.

PBF v4.42.571

- (New) Training Forest music. \[Rare]

- (Tweak) Drop chart. \[Rare]

- (Tweak) Overall elements of the game. \[Rare]
A new update is now available for both online and offline versions. Please update PBF throught the pager.

PBF v4.50.342

- (New) Hil-O Menace event. \[Rare]

- (New) Item description when pressing 2. \[Rare]

- (Tweak) Drop chart. \[Rare]

- (Tweak) Overall elements of the game. \[Rare]
PBF v4.50.348

- (Fix) Dummy Pokemon glitch in inventory. [Tera]

- (Tweak) Overall elements of the game. [Tera]
PBF v4.50.394

- (Fix) Frame loss after learning a new move and when save data is accessed. [Ter4]

- (Fix) Frenzy, with god like Arceus, was causing the game to freeze when many enemies were attacked. [Ter4]

- (New) Hall of Fame. [Prodigy / Ter4]

- (Tweak) Overall graphical changes. [Ter4]

- (Tweak) Ex Blue Sea now has the full version of it's theme. [Ter4]
PBF v4.51.630

- (Fix) Soul ability errors such as Frenzy being able to be leveled up without extra bonus. \[Prodigy]

- (Fix) "Out of date" system check loop. \[Prodigy]

- (Fix) Talking to the mart's Meowth crashes the character's movements. \[Prodigy]

- (New) Pokemon Exchange Ticket is an item that can be exchanged to receive a random Pokemon. \[Ter4]

- (New) Limited time gift: Giratina. \[Ter4]
PBF v4.60.181

- (Fix) Players able to target Bomb From Heavens attack; would also make the map suffer from glitched attack animations. \[Ter4]

- (New) Pokemon IV Training. \[Ter4]

- (Tweak) Added a 0.2 seconds delay to the redeeming process of a Pokemon Claim Pass. \[Ter4]

- (Tweak) System Check updated. \[Prodigy]

- (Tweak) Overall elements of the game. \[Ter4]
A new version is now available to be played for both online and offline version. Please update PBF through the BYOND pager.

PBF v4.60.183

- (Fix) Flamium's boss disappears in battle. [Ter4]

- (Fix) Magic Shards displaying as Sturdy Shards. [Ter4]
PBF v4.60.346

- (Fix) PVP active during Hil-O event. \[Ter4]

- (Tweak) Updates to System Check. \[Ter4]

- (Tweak) Training Forest, area 2, has a warp that serves as a shortcut. \[Ter4]

- (Tweak) Overall elements of the game. \[Ter4]
PBF v4.60.410

- (Delete) Rare stones from inventory and drops. \[Ter4]

- (New) Players can obtain the Pokemon Uxie if certain requirements are met. \[FG]

- (Tweak) Drop chart. \[Ter4]

- (Tweak) Overall elements of the game. \[Ter4]
PBF v4.70.250

- (New) Raise your Pokemon EV values by talking to Mediumor at the mart. \[Prodigy]

- (Tweak) System check: anti hack. \[Prodigy]

- (Tweak) Overall elements of the game. \[Prodigy]
A new version is now available to be played for both online and offline version. Please update PBF through the BYOND pager.

PBF v4.70.710

- (Tweak) Overall elements of the game. \[Ter4]

PBF v4.70.707

- (Remove) Update support for save files with version 3.85.469 or lower. \[Prodigy]

- (Fix) Saving errors when having more than one Pokemon exchange pass. \[Prodigy]

- (Fix) Dropped Pokemon could lose all IV and EV values gained with hyper training. \[Prodigy]

- (Fix) Yellow Snorlax telling wrong EV values. \[Prodigy]

- (New) Tree Seaside music. \[Ter4]

- (New) The Pokemon Darkrai can now be obtained. \[FG]

- (Tweak) Drop chart. \[Ter4]

- (Tweak) Overall elements of the game. \[Ter4]
A new version is now available, but it's only available for online play through the official server.

PBF v4.71.353

- (Fix) Flamium's secret boss sends unnecessary data to all players in the game making the server lag or crash. \[Rare]

- (Fix) Picked up items at Hil-O Menace event disappear from the inventory after the event respawns. \[Rare]

- (Fix) Pikachu does not evolve. \[Rare]

- (Fix) SF crashes the player and players around them. \[Rare]

- (Fix) Flamium does not respawn when defeating the secret boss. \[Rare]

- (Fix) Defeating Flamium's secret boss disables System Check. \[Rare]

- (Tweak) Overall elements of the game. \[Rare]
A new version is available for both online and offline versions. Please update PBF through the BYOND pager.

PBF v4.71.372

- (Tweak) EV affixing has been optimized to be faster and more reliable. [Prodigy]

- (Tweak) Overall elements of the game. [Prodigy]
A new version is available for both online and offline versions. Please update PBF through the BYOND pager.

PBF v4.80.110

- (Delete) Clean up: garbage data cache in PBF system files. \[Prodigy]

- (Fix) Soul Ability: Phantom Blood, not being assigned to any Pokemon. \[Prodigy]

- (Fix) Disappearing Pokemon Exchange Pass from inventory. \[Ter4]

- (New) Players can now revive multiple Pokemon at the same time with only one Small Revive. \[Ter4]

- (New) Players can now revive multiple Pokemon at the same time with only one Max Revive. \[Ter4]

- (New) Players can now revive their own Pokemon as many times as they want. \[Ter4]

- (New) PBF fully supports Swift Frenzy (SF) and can be easily used by activating Frenzy with Recover Lv.5. \[Ter4]

- (New) Soul Ability: Everstoned. This Soul Ability, if turned into an ability, prevents the Pokemon from evolving. \[Ter4]

- (New) Elysius music. \[Ter4]

- (Tweak) Players can only carry 5 Revives instead of 10. \[Ter4]

- (Tweak) Players can only carry 5 Max Revives instead of 10. \[Ter4]

- (Tweak) Players can now carry 10 Pokemon Claim Pass instead of 1. \[Ter4]

- (Tweak) Chances of Ashura having Discharge when she spawns. \[Prodigy]

- (Tweak) Ashura's attack lag in Flamium has been reduced by one point. \[Prodigy]

- (Tweak) Overall elements of the game. \[Ter4]
A new version is available for both online and offline versions. Please update PBF through the BYOND pager.

PBF v4.80.317

- (New) Blind dungeon music. [Break]

- (Tweak) Blind dungeon layout. [Break]

- (Tweak) Elysius main map layout. [Break]

- (Tweak) Overall elements of the game. [Ter4]
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