A new update is now available. If you have already downloaded Pokemon BlueFire please update it through the pager:
PBF v3.50.283
- New survival event: Power Plant, is now available.
- Drop Chart has been modified. Please check it out under Game Info.
- More information is now available under Game Info.
- Players can now only carry up to 50 Pokemon. This limit may be changed in the near future.
Those who already have more than 50 Pokemon may keep them, you just gotta have in mind you will
not be able to pick up more Pokemon.
- Players will now get to have a max rarity of 1/1500 of finding a new random Pokemon from a red Pokeball.
- Character creation and Pokemon selecting at start has been redone.
- The market is now placed inside a building.
- Every GYM has now a different battle music.
- New medals are now obtainable.
- Relocation of Cloud and Element GYMs; they are now at Elysius.
- PvP: Healing moves/skills may fail if used constantly.
- "Player spawn" code was not running as a priority, causing NPCs to act slower than they should.
- Players were sometimes getting "BSOD" when using a teleport at Blind Dungeon.
- Some other fixes to enhance the gameplay experience.
A new update is now available. If you have already downloaded Pokemon BlueFire please update it through the pager
PBF v3.50.288 - Recovery items were not working on PvP and would freeze the battle. - Latias was not displaying its gender as female. - Power Plant was not ending at wave 40. - Experience Points are now shared with everybody without the need of being in the same clam. - Clans have been reset. - Some other fixes to enhance the gameplay experience. |
A new update is now available. If you have already downloaded Pokemon BlueFire please update it through the pager
PBF v3.50.330 - Drop Chart has been modified. Please check it out under Game Info. - Basic Info has been updated with the use of Emojis. - The limit for Pokemon players can have with them has been raised from 50 to 75. - Players are now going to be able to find Golden Shiny Pokemon. - The Move Reminder has been added. It's location is inside the mart. - GYMs are now saved in the server. GYM Leader must be designated again by the General Manager or higher rank in order to be saved in the server. - The move/skill Hyper Voice has now a range of 4 instead of 1, and now has 85 power instead of 90. - The move/skill Iceball has now a range of 4 instead of 3. - Togetic's and Togekiss' type has been changed to fairy,flying instead of normal,flying. - Staravia was unable to evolve to Staraptor. - The Sandshrew's glitch has been fixed. - Fixed an issue in Tree Seaside in which enemies were taking too long to (re)spawn. - Fixed an issue in which PvP battles could freeze. - Some other fixes to enhance the gameplay experience. |
The version 350350 was a small update to allow Scar host an event. It fixed the steel moves and recover drops now have a different drop rate! More to come!!!
A new update is now available. If you have already downloaded Pokemon BlueFire please update it through the pager, thank you;
PBF v3.50.357 - Game is now out from ALPHA and back to its original state. - In order to balance the scales of scoring for newer players, the scoreboard has been wiped. If you had more than 10,000 points your points will now be 10,000. I'm sure you are able to make it back to the way it was. - Some other fixes to enhance the game experience . |
Launched a few fixed I did several months ago and forgot to upload. I didn't really document what I fixed so my apologies; let's maybe leave it as "some other fixes to enhance the game experience".
PBF v3.60.410
- Flamium dungeon is now available when beating the Blind Dungeon. - Players can now carry up to 100 Pokemon (instead of 75). - Pokemon can now go up to level 120. - Drop Chart has been updated. - New Pokemon have been added to the list, making it 152 obtainable Pokemon. - Support for easy-to-use recovery items. - Improvements to System Check. - Training Forest dungeon's difficulty has been lowered a bit. - Goliath's variable reset. Pokemon that defeated Blind Dungeon's boss before will have to beat him again. - Energizers now restore a percentage instead of a fixed amount. - Some Pokemon had inconclusive evolution stat raise. - Overall music has been changed. - Click screen hot-key has been changed from "C" to "Y". - Power Plant survival can now be played by 6 players instead of 4. - NPC Pokemon is now more willing to attack from a distance whenever they can. - Map's compression was making the game feel bloated and slow. - Growlithe was evolving by level instead of evolving by Fire Stone. - Pre-owned Pokemon could get out of synch when picked up by another player. - Fixed an issue where players could glitch in PvP. - Fixed an issue where Pokemon icons would glitch. - Fixed an issue where Pokemon were having abnormal stat values. - Some other fixes to enhance the game experience. |
PBF v3.60.414
- Electro Energy was protected while the defense generator was on. - Savefiles synched with PBF version below 3.50.350 will have to recreate. - Some other fixes to enhance the gameplay experience. |
There's a new version of PBF and available to be played offline. Please download it or update it through the pager:
PBF v3.60.489 - Changes in the Drop Chart. - Fixed an issue where Golden Mewgia would not return golden after re-appearing. - Some other fixes to enhance the gameplay experience. ________________________ PBF v3.60.453 - New Players now begin with a level 15 Pokemon. - Fixed an issue where Growlithe was not able to evolve. - Some other fixes to enhance the gameplay experience. |
There's a new version of PBF and available to be played offline. Please download it or update it through the pager:
PBF v3.61.249 - Players can now buy multiple items at a time. - The evolution guide has been updated. - The drop chart has been updated. - Some move graphics have been changed. - Both Leafeon Mountain and Glaceon Cave have been removed due to the lack of usage. - Some map icons have been either removed, added or relocated. - Some other fixes to enhance the gameplay experience. |
There's a new version of PBF and available to be played offline. Please download it or update it through the pager:
PBF v3.61.368 - PvP is now fixed to level 50 battles. Pokemon below level 50 are not going to be able to battle on PvP. - Fixed an issue where the move Thunder was missing when raining. - Fixed an issue where the player hotkeys weren't loading for new players. - Some other fixes to enhance the gameplay experience. |
The above update had some issues when launched.
Now it has launched for public hosting and it's available for single-player. If you've already downloaded PBF please update it through the pager: PBF v3.61.368 - Drop Chart has been updated. - PvP is now fixed to level 50 battles. Pokemon below level 50 are not going to be able to battle on PvP. - Fixed an issue where the move Thunder was missing when raining. - Fixed an issue where the player hotkeys weren't loading for new players. - Some other fixes to enhance the gameplay experience. |
There's a new version of PBF available to be played both online and offline. Please download/update it through the BYOND pager:
PBF v4.10.452 - (Remove) Rest. [Tera] - (Fix) Frame rate issues. [Rare] - (Fix) Pokemon, such as Goodra, were displaying negative stat values. [Rare] - (Fix) Emerald Boss Survival event: infinite loop glitch in reward room. [Rare] - (Fix) Drops at Flamium's boss room were overlapping with newer drops. [Rare] - (New) Level cap raised to 125. [Tera] - (New) Auto stamina restore in battle areas. [Tera] - (New) Event: Extreme Forest. [Tera] - (New) Pokemon always have full HP and Stamina at Elysius. [Tera] - (Tweak) Items on the ground will disappear after a short period of time regardless of their location. [Tera] - (Tweak) Drop list. [Tera] - (Tweak) Overall elements of the game. [Tera] [Rare] |
There's a new version of PBF available to be played both online and offline. Please download/update it through the BYOND pager:
PBF v4.10.512 - (Fix) Players were unable to beat Training Forest. \[Tera] - (Fix) Global battle calculation errors. \[Rare] - (New) All chat text is now displayed in hud. \[Rare] - (Tweak) Overall elements of the game. \[Tera] |
There's a new version of PBF available to be played both online and offline. Please download/update it through the BYOND pager:
PBF v4.20.114 - (New) Hyper Training system located at the mart. \[Rare] - (Fix) Emerald Boss Survival did not have any drops at the end of wave 40. \[Rare] - (Fix) Double Flamium boss on the field. \[Rare] - (Tweak) Overall elements of the game. \[Rare] |
There's a new version of PBF available to be played both online and offline. Please download/update it through the BYOND pager:
PBF v4.20.114 - (Fix) Ability #2's level was equal to 0. \[Rare] - (Fix) Highlight Blood soul ability was mispelled as well as causing problems when getting activated. \[Rare] - (Tweak) Overall elements of the game. \[Rare] |
There is a new version of PBF, but it is only available to be played on the main server until an issue regarding the game's size is resolved.
PBF v4.30.580 - (Remove) XtremeWater has now been completely replaced with Surf. \[Tera] - (Fix) Chat would not adapt it's font with new text. \[Tera] - (Fix) Critical hit damage was not receiving a bonus boost when using Power Up Punch against zombie-type Pokemon. \[Tera] - (New) Ex Seaside dungeon. \[Tera] - (Tweak) The Pokemon list now displays their Soul Abilities. \[Rare] - (Tweak) Yellow Snorlax now tells players the exact IV values. \[Tera] - (Tweak) Ex bosses always drops 4 special stones. \[Tera] - (Tweak) Various drop chart changes. \[Tera] - (Tweak) Overall elements of the game. \[Tera] |
There's a new version of PBF available to be played both online and offline. Please download/update it through the BYOND pager:
PBF v4.40.835 - (Fix) Enemies not getting defeated with 'one hit eliminations' after wave 93 in Scinovy. \[Prodigy] - (Fix) Special Pokemon icons not displaying correctly. \[Prodigy] - (Fix) Wild Pokemon roaming restricted areas in Ex Seaside. \[Prodigy] - (Fix) Save file curruption for players with 99+ Pokemon. \[Prodigy] - (Fix) Runtime errors: System Check(s) 59, 59f, which are related to legendary Pokemon IVs. \[Prodigy] - (Fix) Critical hit ratio not receiving a boost when using the move Night Slash. \[Prodigy] - (Fix) AoE moves with perfect accuracy causing Pokemon to have odd stamina consumption calculations. \[Prodigy] - (Fix) Emerald Boss Survival wave 40 drops. (PBF Lite 4.1 only) \[Prodigy] - (Fix) System Check not fixing icons at specific moments; issue still needs refinement. \[Tera] \[Prodigy] - (Fix) Picked up Pokemon with no gender. \[Tera] - (Fix) New conditions to evolve Porygon and Porygon2. \[Tera] - (Fix) Odd damage calculations in EX Seaside dungeon. \[Tera] - (Fix) Zombie-type moves not receiving a damage bonus with Dead Blood ability. \[Tera] - (Fix) Administrators were not able to fix player icons. \[Tera] - (New) Boost items are used to enhance Pokemon drop rate, EXP bonus and Bonus Coin drop ammount. \[Tera] - (New) Administration revamp. \[Prodigy] - (New) Pokemon. \[FG] - (New) Ex Blue Sea dungeon with event Meowth. \[Tera] - (New) Chat log. \[Tera] - (Tweak) Changes in Drop Chart; random Pokemon have a flat drop rate. \[Tera] - (Tweak) In Ex Dungeons, Bonus Coin drops have been adjusted accordingly. \[Tera] - (Tweak) Rare Candies cannot be used if the Pokemon's level is above 99. \[Tera] - (Tweak) The move Roost restores 5% more health. \[Tera] - (Tweak) Low damage RNG changed from 1-3 to 1-15. \[Prodigy] - (Tweak) Ex Forest's difficulty changed from 135+ to 130+. \[Rare] - (Tweak) Overall elements of the game. \[Tera] \[Rare] \[Prodigy] |
There's a new version of PBF available to be played both online and offline. Please download/update it through the BYOND pager:
PBF v4.40.850 - (Tweak) Players can now hold up to 125 Pokemon. \[Rare] - (New) Information about Soul Abilities is available under Game Info. \[Rare] - (Tweak) Overall elements of the game. \[Tera] Note: If players are experiencing save file issues please report the problem on hub forums. Please provide screenshots of the error. |
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PBF v3.46.153
- Some other fixes to enhance the gameplay experience.