Dang. I just watched MTV for the first time in.... Well, for the first time basically since I only used to watch a station called The Box when I was a kid.

They played 3 videos. Some rock video came on and it was a band I didn't like, but it was a very well made video. But man, the contrast. I like all music, including rap, but the next two rap videos were the most poor excuses for music videos that I have ever seen. In the second one, the rap was bad, and the third one had an alright rap, but both of the videos themselves were horribly put together. If someone produced that kind of a video for me, I'd make sure they got fired.

I was so disgusted by them that I had to change the channel to local news.

Wow, you actually saw music on MTV? They must have been filling their music quota for the month that day.
You like ALL music?

I garauntee you will not like Lighthouse-rock.
What artist videos were they?

->Calus CoRPS<-
MTV showed videos? I don't believe you. Next you'll say VH1 shows videos too.
VH1 should just change their name to 'I Love This Network'.