I want to incorporate something like a simple P2P chat system within the IDE, allowing anybody connected to the IDE to communicate with another.
This would also open up the options to send connected peers files/show code and receive help without having to use 3rd party programs such as the BYOND pager, or msn.
It would look something like this: (prototype)
---Finished 5.8.13
P2P Chat is in, and is automatically loaded and docked (hidden) to the right of the IDE upon login. Anybody with an internet connection will be able to use the system (no port-forwarding/junk).
See http://www.byond.com/forum/?post=1259927
The ability to send/receive files to other connected individuals is still to be made.
May 8 2013, 1:28 am (Edited on May 9 2013, 5:40 pm)