I havn't posted here for a while, but I seriously think I need to help BYOND in relation to their survival games. The two current survival games are crap. Not only the graphics but also the internal gameplay. I thought Acorona would be a good game, though I was very wrong about that.
I have decided that I would start to create my own survival game. I will be the only coder, and will only require one iconer, so if you wish to fillful this job please contact me at [email protected]. If any profits are made you will recieve half of the profits. Also, as you are iconing, I will make you co-owner. Thanks to whoever decided to make the other bad survival games as you have put me off starting my C++ 3D engine, which I was hoping to start this weekend, though I have no luck there. Well, back to creating a game on byond.
Also, at the moment I'm looking to moderate and test games. I am a very experienced coder, so I am able to pick out bugs and also help solve them. Also, I am a very talented moderater. Though unfortuantly noone has been able to realise my talent at handling situations. Not once have I been a moderater for a game. Though this may be due to the fact that I don't ask directly. Right now my mission is to try and have basic moderater rights on as many Space Station 13 servers as possible, as most of the current moderaters are either corrupt or misuse their powers. Anyway, if you need someone to moderate or test your game you can rely on me. My msn address is, again, [email protected].
![]() May 18 2006, 9:21 pm
![]() May 18 2006, 10:09 pm
Then why make another?
I wanted to make one that will be really good and try to out compete these other survival games. Look at these current 2 games. How many people play them now? Not very many. I want to create a really good survival game, which will impress the BYOND community but will also give anyone who likes survival games a good game to play.
They haven't put you off anything. You're putting yourself off because you feel you need to waste time doing something just to show up two other developers.
I was just saying that instead of doing my 3D engine I'm going to make a survival game instead.
Can I ask, is this cause of my post?
Also if your game has a small amount of players I reserve the right to say "You suck" and "Told ya so" for 1 week if you agree to these terms I will be happy and not bug you. |
Ok, I agree to this, though how about we make it if Alpegio or what ever it is called or Acoronia has more players than mine or is more popular then you can laugh at me for a week. Also, I didn't do this because of your post. I just hate the current survival games and I'm going to make one which will rule them all. Also, I've got my iconer, so I don't need anymore staff.
Hello ADT_CLONE, first off nice work on your monopoly game. I like it alot. Now on to the topic at hand. Survival of the fitist survival game O.o interesting.
Umm I was a little bit supprised that no one else posted it. I suppose it may be somthing wrong on my part. But why is Acorona on your favorites list if you Despise(want to crush) it so much? Are they different games? |
Well you are quite wrong about Acorona. We usually get up to 15 people but since I haven't updated in a week or 2, a few bugs have slowed the game play. The game is still in very early alpha but once we fix all these minor bugs, we plan to add more content. I honestly don't think you can compete with me if I had more time to be online.
Good luck! |
Lord, Acor is bad I've seen the player icons in a DBZ source and the game play is horrid.
And why not use the 1 minute you used to post to add some bumps to those squares you call islands |
Dude, you have no right to make fun of Acorona, we have an averagely basis way higher then Achipel-whatever and we are still in very high alpha.
The player icon is made by RealQMark. Definetly not a rip there buddy. Now then hush. |
I thought you'd say that when I would say it was a rip so I looked everywhere and I found the icon in an old source I used for learning coding
the pants may not be ripped up a bit but its the same icon |
Sad, now I'll start working on the update just to blow archipelago out of the water.
You really do annoy me. |
@ LoL:
Your methods of game comparison are totally screwed up, to say the least. What does it matter how many players are publically online on a game at one certain time that you decided to stop and check? Not only is it a ridiculous method of comparison, but it's extremely inaccurate. For example, I constantly host Archipelago on invisible mode and invite friends from all over my pager to come join. I've also heard from many others who play Arch that they host privately/invisibly and do the same thing. @ ADT: Specify what kind of graphics you want your icon artist to be able to do. You have very little chance of finding a non-crappy/desperate icon artist if you don't include specifications. |