Naruto: Eternal Memories

by Eternal_Memories
Naruto: Eternal Memories
Join various worlds in a battle between the evil and the good!
Applies to:
Status: Open

Issue hasn't been assigned a status value.
- Make Scythe Slash an on hit, lets him draw blood.

- If he's on the circle.

- WoJ becomes a homing for the one he has the blood of.


- Deal damage to anyone Blood Binded on circle

- When he is in Ritual mode give him self stab which deals damage to himself and the one BB.\


Sprite Link: newhidanspritesbysasori.png
This would make hidan a god.
In order to give him this,Eventually He has to get Nerfed and updated to that form (needs sprite sheet).
In response to Deathmall
The sprite we got this from has the circle.
In response to Deathmall
Deathmall wrote:
This would make hidan a god.
In order to give him this,Eventually He has to get Nerfed and updated to that form (needs sprite sheet).

Your acting like people cant get him off the circle lmao
Believe i have this hidan as a character for mugen.
instead you could give him the jashin trans and just give him Boosted def and Hp :
also give him scythe Throw In normal + when he stabs himself in jashin or normal form he gains a short additional boost or increased meele speed, but the delay could be a 3 mins ... the effect goes on for 1 min and the text would say [{PVP}Hidan: Master Jashin Has Granted me power ...mwhahaha now DIE before my Master}]...etc and afterwards once finished { Hidans PowerRush comes to an End}
or he has a circle which only lets him get hurt in it but the damage would be done to the attacker to