(See the best response by Super Saiyan X.)

Problem description:

So yeah, the PNG grid/interface won't show up. I already got help from Lord Andrew and he doesn't know what the problem is and I been trying to figure this out for about 3 days now non stop. I also been asking a vast amount of people and they also don't know so as a last resort I came here.


I coded in everything for it yes everything is in upon login even in the skin file it stretches out and appears in the background of the game screen as an overlay to appear over the grid to give it a more fresher look. Please PLEASE PLEASE. Help. I beg thanks.

You might wanna show off ... a bit more code? Maybe some screenshots of the issue also.
There's nothing wrong code wise but uh.

screen_loc = "1,1"


Basically this shows up behind the game screen stretched out:

layer = 9999?
Try something within the range; like 1024.
In response to Super Saiyan X
Super Saiyan X wrote:
layer = 9999?
Try something within the range; like 1024.

Will do.
Still isn't showing up.
Can you show an actual screenshot of the actual issue?

See how the HUD I want shows up behind the actual game screen? I want it to be a overlay on the game screen and line up with the actual hotbars and stuff.
Is that a screenshot of a screenshot of the interface editor?
Best response
Create a label, set the image of it to that png.
Make the label fill the whole window; anchor it.
Disable the label.

Nothing to do with client screen.

Danny Roe wrote:
Is that a screenshot of a screenshot of the interface editor?

I lul'd too.
In response to Danny Roe
Danny Roe wrote:
Is that a screenshot of a screenshot of the interface editor?

Skin editor.
Still not working, will anyone teamview me if possible?