First of all, I was eating chinese food. And when I opened my fortune cookie, it said," You should enhance your feminine side at this time."
I was like,"........ 0.0.......... What .... The .... fook.... ."
And then my dream today was weird.
There was all these elemental staff's. So I am forced to take the earth one. I take it then everyone get's on these jet ski's and take of into a green-black swirl. I fall off mine and land on another persons and there is this PDA sitting on it, I take it and like scan my forehead and transform into a cocopeli and my staff turns into a dijerido. We arrive in a city, with all this crime and we are told to stop the crime. So I just take my Dijerido and start hitting people with it. Then all of a sudden I am at a beach arena and there is 2 teams, my team and another team. I start wacking the other teams members who have like bomb shields on there heads and the guy is neeling so I lift him up and chuck him into the water while shouting "bitch" becouse our team lost that round. So then the next round we had to inflate a plastic bag and run to the shore, while not getting killed. I had the bag. I ran around and started killing the other team and I won. Then we had to defuse a bomb. Just as I was about to cut the wires My alarm went off. Weird.
That's about it.
![]() May 18 2006, 12:38 pm