Currently, there doesn't appear to be any way to sort the games (by number of players, by date, by something else).

Just thought I'd point that out as I thought it was pretty annoying. On top of that, NEStalgia isn't even visible by default in the new pager, for me...
Just discovered that changing the "Show:" to Active sorts it by number of players. Not extremely clear.
What now determines a game's popularity, since the order seems to have changed?
I don't think Show:Active is that confusing (would Show:#players be better?) I'm sure people can figure it out if they fiddle it. I'm not sure how we could present it in a less confusing way (maybe a clickable header.. but that would mean changing up other parts of the UI too).

Right now the popular sort going by raw fans (the website factors recency), but we're actually changing this algorithm up to be a little more robust.

NEStalgia not showing up is a bug. We'll have to see what's u with that.

Is there a way to sort my game favorites list by number of players? Not a big deal, I don't have all that many favorites that its a problem to scroll through. Just wondering if I'm missing something.

I did just notice that if I look at somebody elses favorites in the pager, they do show up in order of number of players.
Yeah, we don't have an obvious sort for that, but probably we should just sort Favorites by activity since that is the most useful mode.
Break it into two different categories, there's plenty of horizontal space there.

Show > All, Favorite, Recent, Installed
Sort > Popular, Players, Newest, Downloads

Show dictates what type of games are displayed. Sort dictates what order they're displayed in.