It's definitely a time consuming project, which kind of aggravates me that I spend a whole day and not have much identifiable progress. I might spend a whole day ironing out how a .dme file parses include definitions and adds them to child nodes.
I don't expect much of the BYOND community to have faith, simply because of past stereo-types, but I will try to at least create a workable and more user-friendly DM for the community. The only thing it may not have is a skin editor, which is really the last on the to-do list.
I don't expect much of the BYOND community to have faith, simply because of past stereo-types, but I will try to at least create a workable and more user-friendly DM for the community. The only thing it may not have is a skin editor, which is really the last on the to-do list.
I created a hub entry to track my progress throughout the project, if anybody wants to follow it: