As a first, the game is very smooth and excels with what it has so far- It's a very high quality game- and it's just an Alpha!
I'm glad to have originally been (even so slightly) involved with the development before having gone quiet for most of it- But you owe me for the karma portraits. >:I
Moving on, however.
From what I had discussed with John over skype,
There should be certain instances that can only have a certain karma (and neutral) in them. Neutrals receive less rewards due to having flexibility of karma.
The Saiyans - Battle Saibamen before engaging Raditz, before taking a brief break to heal before having far more saibamen unloaded onto the team before having to face a dual-boss of Nappa and Vegeta.
To Namek! - Arrive on-scene to the Namekian Homeworld amidst the attack by Frieza's forces. Fend off incoming waves of Henchmen, led by Elites, before having to face either Dodoria or Zarbon.
Frieza's Best - Splits the team up to battle the Ginyu force, (Burter/Jeice, Guldo/Recoome, while someone must hold Ginyu's attention) which they must overcome its members first to have a chance at bringing Ginyu down.
Tyrant's End - A grueling battle against Frieza, testing the endurance and skills of the team at hand as they go through each fight against Frieza (with a chance to recover as he transforms from his third to fourth). This ought to also serve as a prerequisite for obtaining Super Saiyan and Icer Forms as a Good Karma character, so that you have to actually -earn- your swag.
Freshen Up - Raditz, Nappa and Vegeta are a bit out of practice from their last incursion. Being proper associates, your group offers to get them ready for their trip to Earth- why, you don't know. Essentially, you must fight all three at once without any trash mobs (Saibamen).
Defiant Bugs - A ragtag bunch of humans have gathered to stop you from paving the way to Vegeta and Nappa's arrival. You'll have to show them that the Prince of all Saiyans is not to be defied. Duke it out against the Z-warriors to prove that they are not worth the dirt below Vegeta's boots.
Siege of Namek - Lord Frieza has chosen your group to lead the invading force to Namek in his quest for immortality. It should prove to be easy enough... Fight against many Namekian warriors, before squaring off against Nail.
Traitorous Prince - Vegeta has gone rogue, and killed your superiors- Dodoria and Zarbon. You'll have to put him down before he jeopardizes the mission. Frieza will be pleased... Simple immediate boss fight against Vegeta.
End the Farce - It's impossible- Frieza has been killed. Namek has exploded, and the invasion has failed. Your team is the only one left. Frieza never lost before- you'll simply have to finish what he started. Slay the Super Saiyan- and become the new rulers of the Planet Trade! Like Tyrant's End, should serve as a piece to unlock Super Saiyan and Icer forms.
These are mostly what-ifs. Mostly not story-driven, can be performed with both sides.
Kaiser Saibaman - At least one of the saibamen vegeta and nappa planted during their visit was a late-sprouter. And that's not all... A brief skirmish against Saibamen, and either a larger or differently colored saibaman to be the boss.
The Legendary Super Saiyan - Should be self-explanatory. An extremely difficult fight against Broly.
Cyborg Challenge - Androids 17 and 18 are busy wrecking everything. Earth'll be devoid of life if they're left to their own devices... Dual-battle against the two titular androids.
Chaotic Evil to the Max - Stop Kid Buu from destroying just about everything. Lives are worth saving! ... Others are worth ruling. This one should be obvious.
That's mostly what I had in mind for five-man scenarios. It wasn't necessarily easy to come up with "Evil" alternatives to the primary campaign up to the end of the Frieza Saga. Still, that's my pitch.
Mostly what I think should be important is that players should work together to get things they want in mutual agreement. Subject to change of course, I'd like to hear if people think this is good, bad, or a potato.
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![]() Apr 28 2013, 11:25 am
Take notes everyone. This is exactly how I want the ideas and suggestions arranged. And to you Metak. Great ideas. But you are pretty much part of the dev team anyways. XD
I guess I should start adding to this stale bag of treats.
Considering the Dungeons/Scenarios system, what about having RP missions, unironically called "Sagas", where players take control of X characters from Y saga to do Z fights (to satisfy the people who just gotta be dat Goku). They should have different rewards, or should be a means to introduce certain mechanics to characters (or to let people play as another race, like a Saiyan getting to play as Cell against Piccolo, which may promote race diversification). Either way, the idea is pretty much playing RP missions (perhaps with changeable difficulty settings) to receive certain rewards- like maybe obtaining certain techniques (Galick Gun, Special Beam Cannon, etc) or unlocking hairstyles for Human-like characters. Idk it's just something to do. :B I'll see what I can think of otherwise. (MAIN IDEA) "Sagas" RP Missions for specific fights in the Saiyan, Ginyu, Freeza, Androids, Cell, and Buu Sagas. May or may not provide prerequisites for unlocking techniques, transes, and other fun things. Yih. |