Paint is now in color! Thanks to Flick once again for helping me with a small bug (I was missing three words :-) ).

- Uub's "Orange"

Have fun with it!


P.S.: My server is only one up, right now. Maybe tommorow you will be able to download it!
But I don't get credit for, you know, MAKING IT WORK?
Fine, credit to Airjoe for the help with the MouseDrag! :-)
This is the same damn thing as Flick's "Doodle", except it uses squares instead of circles :/
I know I know! :-)
This is the same damn thing as Flick's "Doodle", except it uses squares instead of circles :/

Honestly. Why are people coming out with so many of these new drawing programs all of a sudden?
He was asking for flick's help when I was online. So I guess flick Ok'd it.
Flick OK'd it? I didn't realize you needed someones permission to create an art program. Whatever happened to friendly competition?
He didn't have to okay it, but he's not like "OMG RIP!" about it. He's being friendly about it. To tell the truth, I never asked for permission. But I thank him for being so nice about it :-).
Yes, and I would expect Flick to be that way, he is a nice guy, but I was just telling Worldweaver that "So I guess flick Ok'd it." seems to assume that Flick has some patent on the game.
First you host his game, now you make a game based off of his???

Note to self: Remind everyone to never let Doh host their game.
Rouge, Note to self: RougePix is an idiot. Flick did not come up with the idea of somebody drawing something, then somebody else guessing it. Ever heard of Pictionary? Besides, even if I didn't host it, I could join it. And let's see, what is BYOND again?


So I wanted my own, not to play his. Got it?
Got it.
I didn't need to 'OK' it, though I've got no problem with Doh, or anyone else, making a similar game anyway. He asked about how it worked, and I explained a bit about it to him, and I've helped him with a few issues. Quite honestly, if he hadn't started making his, I'd probably not still be working on mine :) Competition can be good. I've got compressed, client side saving implemented now, and I'm working on some additional drawing tools. Personally, I think mine looks a bit nicer, but he's got more words in his library, and he seems to market much better than I do :P
Hehe yours does look better. I have server-side savefiles as of now, because I am not good with clientside savefiles. :-\ Anyways I am also adding some new tools, some of which that were recently added are swap, flood, and pick. Also added remove gridlines. Next is line tool, probally will be in tommorow. Anyways competition is definitely good. It's kept me working on it! :-)
T'was just informing KamiKaziSamuri that Flick did indeed know about it(not that he needed to.)

"So I guess flick Ok'd it." seems to assume that Flick has some patent on the game.

No it doesn't. I don't remember you but maybe we have some past issue's?