
It's going there's four possible endings:

Burke dies, Izze's boyfriend lives.

Burke lives, Izze's boyfriend dies.(Saddest ending)

Both Burke and Izze's boyfriend dies.

Or Both live(We know it isn't gonna happen)

What led to the situation:

Izze's boyfriend needed a new Heart, Burke was on a plane to go operate on a donor so he can bring the heart back to the hospital and give Izze's b/f the heart. Unfortunately the donor died before they could get the heart so doctor Burke ended up battling his rival to get another donor. Izze was desperate because she knew her b/f wasn't gonna get the heart unless he was in critical condition so she did something STUPID!!! Before that Izze called up there to see how the trasnplant was going until she heard the bad news that her b/f might not get it so, she had to lie about it. Once she talked to burke and lied burke decided to go back to the hospital and check things out before he operated. On his way back he got that time Izze cut the support cord instantly stopping her b/fs heart and that takes us to the finale...

If you never watched an episode of Grey's anatomy before click the link above they should let you watch most of the episodes.

I'm sorry, that show is retarted, I can't stand that show, ot just doesn't personally keep my intrest, it's probablly just me though..
My dad loves that crap.
Oh that sucked. Grey slept with that other guy instead of the animal doctor. Izze's boy friend died while reading a magizine and she quit shortly after.
Izze was desperate because she knew her b/f wasn't gonna get the hair

no hair for izze's boyfriend. :(