(See the best response by Zohan98.)
I'm using the RPGEquipmentWindow and can't figure it out how to save the equipped items on the skin.

You equip the item and it stays equipped after you logoff and login again, but the slots on the skin doesn't show the equipped item anymore.

Any ideas?

Best response
You'd probably get better answers if you asked this question on the demo site itself. Try posting your question in the discussion tab?
Its probably a matter of it not being "refreshed" with the data.

make a simple proc thats launched on login that would do the same thing as the original code that shows it.

Zohan98 wrote:
You'd probably get better answers if you asked this question on the demo site itself. Try posting your question in the discussion tab?

The problem is.. the demo is from 2009. None is every going to answer me there. But thanks anyway.

Midgetbuster wrote:
Its probably a matter of it not being "refreshed" with the data.

make a simple proc thats launched on login that would do the same thing as the original code that shows it.

I came out with something like that

for(var/obj/F in src.Equipped_Items["weapon"])
if(!F) return
src << output(F, "inventory.weapon_equip:1,1")

I though it would refresh the grid with the data, but no.