-Will need a six sided dice-

First word...


1 for "Immortal"
2 for "Eternal"
3 for "Mystic"
4 for "Epic"
5 for "Awaken"
6 for no first word

Second word...


1 for "World"
2 for "Realm"
3 for "Fight"
4 for "Naruto"
5 for "Dragonball"
6 for no second word

Third word...


1 for "Evolution"
2 for "Online"
3 for "Ultimate"
4 for "Returns"
5 for "Xtreme"
6 for no third word


p.s any game maker should spend a good deal of time thinking about the game name as it's such a magnet to people like me
i think someone already made one becus that's how most people seem to get their game names on byond lol :)