Seriously, I think this site went to bed.
Not like "I'll sleep for eight hours and wake up in the morning" kind of bed, either. It was really a "I'm in an illness-induced haze. Wake me up on monday." kind of thing.
Anyway, I've been trying to revamp my site, Cel3stial, so that's most of what I've been doing on the computer.
At least, I think it is.
Actually, I have no idea what I've been up to. Which happens a lot. I walk around through the day, go to bed, then when someone asks me what I've been up to the past few days, I draw a blank.
But, I guess that just means I should study more.
Most things end up leading to that, for me.
Which reminds me... I was watching TV this past Sunday, when I decided to watch PBS. The show was "GED Connection", which I thought would be pretty good! Huzzah! GED! Isn't it sparkly?
...sadly, no. But that's all right.
They spent a segment talking about what a Pie Chart is.
Why talk about graphs? What about something else math-related? Man.
I don't like the characters in The Odyssey. They're kind of jerks, and I get the feeling I'd dislike Homer, too.
That's it, I think.
Jun 22 2005, 3:07 am