Descriptive Problem Summary:
It appears that logins are no longer reported correctly when selecting the "stats" function on your hub web page.
This leads to vastly reduced reported login rates, despite the game in question obviously not having the low rate of logins being reported.
For instance, in this picture:
You can see that logins drop off to nearly nothing after 4/4.
In reality, the logins have stayed consistent since 4/4. This is in contrast to the stats page, which says that logins have dropped from over a thousand players to beneath twenty players.
In fact, checking this in person, I counted off roughly 44 logins from random players with unique IP's on one server over a period of an hour or so.
This far exceeds the current reported logins on the stats page. So it appears as if something is off here?
Numbered Steps to Reproduce Problem:
Login to Byond with your account.
Go to the hub of a game you produce. Preferably one with a steady population for easier verification of the bug.
Click the stats button. Observe the results and if needed check the "month" option for a longer period of time being tracked.
Code Snippet (if applicable) to Reproduce Problem:
Expected Results:
When checking the given number of daily logins for a game, it should report numbers accurate to the logins that take place over a day.
Actual Results:
Reported logins are far lower than their actual numbers. This is to the point where a game that has 1000+ logins per day is now being reported on the stats page as receiving maybe 20 at most.
Does the problem occur:
Every time? Or how often?
For the times i've checked it, it occurs every time.
In other games?
Unfortunately I haven't been able to get in contact with other game developers with sufficiently steady population/lengthy enough periods of time hosted to see if they have the same issues.
In other user accounts?
Unknown as well.
On other computers?
This is a web site issue, but checking it on other computers does seem to bring up the same issue on the affected hub.
When does the problem NOT occur?
Did the problem NOT occur in any earlier versions? If so, what was the last version that worked? (Visit to download old versions for testing.)
None known at this time.
As an addendum, I noticed this started appearing around the time word of the new pager came out. Could it be due to a compatibility issue between the new and old pager?
If logins under the old pager are no longer being registered as counting as a login to the game, that might explain it.
Apr 12 2013, 4:39 pm (Edited on Apr 12 2013, 4:54 pm)
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Bumping this because I'm not sure whether or not this was fixed. Do only unique plays show now, assuming that wasn't the case before?
This looks a little off is all since Eternia's player count has been relatively consistent: |
Sorry for the delay. We'll be looking into (and hopefully improving) this soon, since we need it to track ad plays.
ah, no worries. I just assumed that something had changed with what counted as a 'play'
Thanks for the clear up |
I am wondering: are plays recorded by unique visitors, or just the total amount?
I believe it's an error that affects all BYOND games: