Keywords: art, random, wip
Okay so I got bored whilst house sitting and decided to bust out paint, this is the result. Bear in mind that this is a very rough work in progress.
I think a head like, ( This ) would look cool on that.
:O I agree!
Okay added a minotaur like head and cleaned it up.
Okay lol, Shaded I'm not too sure how it looks though.
Tbh, I liked the rough texture much more than current one. Also I think the contrast it too much that it looks like it's metallic and shiny.

Cool design btw (y)
I went grey scale cos I was gonna add a fireball in his hands but I got lazy.
Ah ok!

Btw as you are going to add fireball don't you think light source should be changed according to it?

Btw, I am really looking forward to this. It's turning out pretty pwnsome!
I was gonna adjust the light after i figured out what the fireball looked like.
I agree with A2J2TIWARI. Add a little more graininess to the shading, he does have fur after all. :P
I shall summon a Zete.
heres a fast edit to give you an idea of light source and anatomy structure.

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lol sky
In response to Zete
Fast edit? I'm calling understatement.
Lol, i'd suggest moving the head down a bit.
Pandora, that is an extremely fast edit, I requested he make one for the topic, and he completed it in around 5 minutes.
Well... someone obviously has a background in art...
Zete has a whole Facebook page with art:
Zete, your art is disgustingly awesome.
Well and that puts an end to me trying to be good at pixel art :/.
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